#its more than shopping

Collection of its more than shopping news, found 1.335 news.

Indonesians urged to take booster shots to access public facilities

Expert Team Coordinator and Government Spokesperson for COVID-19 Handling Wiku Adisasmito urged the people to take the ...

Parents throng school uniform shops as academic year starts

With the start of the new school academic year, many parents could be seen crowding shops selling school uniforms and ...

Booster shot must be taken week before travel: ministry

People planning to travel will need to take the COVID-19 booster shot at least a week before departure, Spokesperson ...

Booster shot to be made mobility requirement in two weeks: minister

Booster vaccination would be made mandatory for entry to public places and travel in two weeks’ time at the ...

Safeguarding personal data

Whether we realize it or not, our daily activities in cyberspace involve the exchange of a lot of data, including ...

Let's explore the Museum of Kites in South Jakarta

Several tourist destinations offer myriad options for families and school students to spend their school holidays in ...

Turning off lights simple, impactful for sustainability of earth

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan expressed belief that turning off the lights for an hour to commemorate World ...

Digital banking transactions grow to Rp3,766.7 trillion in May

Bank Indonesia (BI) has said that digital banking transactions rose 20.82 percent year on year (yoy) in May 2022 to ...

Traditional market revitalization helps improve traders' welfare: KSP

The government's program of revitalizing traditional markets has been able to help improve the welfare of traders ...

Digitalization key to improving RI's economy in post-pandemic period

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo emphasized that digitalization is one of the keys to improving ...

Hainan to host 160+ events to celebrate China's Cultural and Natural Heritage Day

- With the upcoming Cultural and Natural Heritage Day taking place on June 11, the southernmost province of China, ...

Gernas BBI's four strategies support economic recovery: trade ministry

The Ministry of Trade highlighted four strategies of the Proud of Indonesian Products National Movement (Gernas BBI) in ...

HappyFresh digitally transforms warehouse capabilities with Blue Yonder

Consumer grocery shopping habits changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic with many opting for delivery. To meet ...

Minister calls to protect MSMEs in e-commerce from harmful practices

E-commerce businesses should be protected from harmful practices that can damage the micro, small, and medium ...

Halal products' transactions in e-commerce grew in 2021: BI

Assistant Director of the Department of Sharia Finance of Bank Indonesia (BI), Misha Nugraha Ramadhan, highlighted that ...