#jakarta environment office

Collection of jakarta environment office news, found 44 news.

Motor vehicles failing to pass emission tests to be fined

The Jakarta provincial government has targeted to impose fines on motor vehicles failing to pass emissions tests in ...

Emission test: A tale of struggle to improve Jakarta's air

At around 07:20 WIB (Western Indonesian Standard Time), Wiwit Handoko arrived at a vehicle repair workshop located at ...

Kiwirok attack: Several surviving healthcare workers want to go home

Several healthcare workers, who survived a recent terrorist attack in Pegunungan Bintang district, Papua, have asked ...

Jakarta Environment Office confirms personnel trained in rock climbing

The Jakarta provincial government confirmed that its personnel had received training in rock climbing to remove heavy ...

Jakarta maximizing use of heavy equipment to accelerate mud dredging

The Jakarta provincial government has said it is maximizing the use of heavy equipment to speed up mud and garbage ...

W Jakarta using black fly maggots to process organic waste

The West Jakarta Environment Office is using black fly larvae in landfills to process organic waste, an official ...

Chandra Asri secures investment of up to Rp24.65 trillion

PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (CAP) announced on Friday that it has secured an investment of up to US$1.7 billion, ...

Jakarta's river troops remove 436 cubic meters of garbage

The Jakarta Water Department's river troops on Monday removed 436 cubic meters of garbage from the Manggarai sluice ...

Jakarta deploys thousands of river troops to clear trash

The Jakarta provincial administration has deployed around five thousand members of the trash task force, including ...

Jakarta targets to have 550 emissions test spots by 2020 end

The Jakarta Provincial Environment Office has set itself the target of licensing 550 emissions test spots both in the ...

Jakarta Environment Office provides 36,000 bags to recycling center

The DKI Jakarta Environment Office has provided 36 thousand recyclable bags to the Jakarta Recycle Center, which is ...

Walhi warns of repercussions of oil spill on residents' health

Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) warned residents of the consequences of the oil spill from YYA-1 well of ...

Jakarta inches closer to turning 20 tons waste into energy

The Jakarta Environment Office has outlined a target to convert 20 tons of waste into energy at the Bantar Gebang ...

No more problem in Jakarta reclamation project : Luhut

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said there is no more problem in the development of ...