#jayapura district

Collection of jayapura district news, found 389 news.

MPR Deputy Speaker reiterates support for Papua PON XX

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Syarief Hasan has reiterated his support for the convening of ...

Transportation Ministry prepares buses for Papua's PON, Peparnas

The Directorate-General of Land Transportation at the Transportation Ministry has prepared several buses and crew to ...

News Focus

Vaccine resistance, hoaxes impede immunization in Papua, West Papua

The Papua administration is striving to make sure that all of its athletes joining this year's PON National and ...

Counter disinformation on COVID vaccinations, Papua authorities urged

The Papua COVID-19 task force has urged authorities and communities across the province to counter disinformation ...

Hope Papua can emulate success of Tokyo

Despite pressures from various public organisations to cancel the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, scheduled for ...

Social Affairs Ministry to distribute sewing machines to Papuans

The Ministry of Social Affairs has said it will distribute sewing machines to Papua residents to support their economic ...

Vaccinations expedited ahead of 20th PON

The Health Ministry has accelerated COVID-19 vaccinations in cities and districts of Papua province which will host the ...

KONI completes first phase of vaccination of Papua PON athletes

The Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) of Papua Chapter claimed it has completed the first phase of the ...

News Focus

PON Papua, an amalgamation of natural beauty and sportsmanship

The XX National Sports Week (PON) scheduled in Papua on October 2-15, 2021, will be a platform to clock achievements in ...

Papua to implement activity restrictions: task force head

Papua province will implement activity restrictions to stem the spread of COVID-19, head of the provincial COVID-19 ...

News Feature

Merauke presses ahead with PON preparations amid COVID surge

Preparations are in full swing in Merauke for this year's PON National Games, which the district will co-host with ...

COVID-19: Papua to integrate PON, Peparnas app with PeduliLindungi

The Papua administration has planned to integrate the mobile application developed for this year's PON National ...

News Focus

Papua struggles to bring COVID-19 cases under control

Papua has been struggling to cope with a drastic rise in COVID-19 cases over the past few weeks, with the Delta variant ...

Govt warns of stern action against health protocol violators: Mahfud

The government will take strict action against demonstrators found violating health protocols on the grounds they can ...

Govt repatriates Indonesian fisherman stranded in Thailand

The Foreign Ministry, in collaboration with the Aceh government and the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP), on ...