
Collection of kendari news, found 384 news.

COVID-19: Indonesia records 32.9% increase in weekly cases

Indonesia's Task Force for COVID-19 Response has revealed that the country has recorded a 32.9-percent increase in ...

Office confirms eviction of 38 foreigners from Aceh's Nagan Raya

Some 38 foreign nationals were evicted from Simpang Peut Village in Aceh Province on Friday evening for not holding ...

Man held for trafficking 384 grams of crystal meth in SE Sulawesi

Police have arrested a 28-year old man on charges of trafficking 384 grams of crystal methamphetamine in the Southeast ...

Ten Wakatobi fishermen survive boat fire

Ten traditional fishermen were rescued after their longboat caught fire while they were diving for fish on Wednesday ...

SAR team rescues sinking Bukit Rahmat boat's 30 passengers, crew

A search and rescue (SAR) team of Palu, Central Sulawesi, rescued 30 passengers and crew of MV Bukit Rahmat sinking in ...

Manpower Minister ensures continued supervision of foreign workers

a control team of foreign workers. This will continue to supervise the hiring of foreign workers. It ensures that ...

Flash flood affects 2,281 households in SE Sulawesi's 14 sub-districts

Some 2,281 households in 14 sub-districts of Kowane District, Southeast Sulawesi Province, bore the brunt of flash ...

Foreign worker entry into Konawe to create 5,000 local jobs: minister

The arrival of 500 foreign workers in South East Sulawesi's Konawe district will lead to the creation of 5,000 ...

News Focus

Indonesia strives to win tourist confidence amid COVID-19

The Indonesian government is taking steps to build tourist confidence, considered vital for the successful recovery of ...

100 drug offenders awarded death penalty in 2020

District courts in different parts of Indonesia have awarded the capital punishment to at least 100 drug offenders in ...

Central Sulawesi: Two held for drug trafficking facing death penalty

Two suspected drug dealers who were apprehended with 25 kilograms of drugs in Central Sulawesi on Sunday (June 28, ...

Drug trade continues to endanger 24 neighborhoods in Kendari: BNN

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) cautioned residents of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, of the omnipresent danger of ...

Arrival of foreign workers triggers protest at Kendari-S Konawe border

Several demonstrators staged a rally at the borders of Kendari city and South Konawe district in Southeast Sulawesi ...

Wakatobi to reopen tourist destinations in July 2020

The Wakatobi district administration in Southeast Sulawesi Province will re-open tourist destinations for local and ...

BNN deploys mobile loudspeakers to spread awareness against drugs

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has intensified its public awareness campaign to educate citizens on the threat ...