
Collection of kota news, found 552 news.

50% of narcotics circulated in prisons: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has estimated that about 50 percent illegal drugs in Indonesia are circulated through ...

Banda Aceh City government should focus on dengue prevention

Regional Legislative Assembly (DPRD) spokesman Farid Nyak Umar has asked the Banda Aceh city government to focus on ...

Thousands join parade for Surabaya mayor

Thousands of people joined a parade to accompany Surabaya mayor-and vice mayor-elect, Tri Rismaharini and Whisnu ...

Govt prepares Rp1.2 tln for toll road land clearance: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the government will prepare a fund of Rp1.2 trillion for land clearance to make ...

Narcotics agency to charge illegal drug traffickers with money laundering

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) said it will use the money laundering law to charge drug trafficking suspects. ...

Death toll in W Sumatra`s floods and landslides rises to six

The death toll in landslides and floods in West Sumatra province rose to six after a search and rescue team recovered ...

Floods inundate three villages in Pekalongan, Central Java

Floods triggered by incessant heavy rains since Sunday evening have submerged hundreds of homes in three villages in ...

Moderate quake jolts Kupang

An earthquake measuring 4.9 on the Richter scale jolted the East Nusa Tenggara provincial capital of Kupang at 12.35 ...

Indonesia govt optimistic of achieving its tourism target in 2015

The Indonesian government is optimistic that it will achieve the target of attracting 10 million foreign tourists this ...

Indonesia expects income of Rp172 trillion from tourism in 2016

Indonesia expects to generate Rp172 trillion in foreign exchange income from tourism in 2016 as the nation is ...

New Year eve celebration in Jakarta centered in Ancol

The provincial government of Jakarta plans to ensure that 2016 New Year eve celebrations remain concentrated in Ancol, ...

New policies to make Japanese easier to Indonesia

The Indonesian government has issued three policies to make foreign tourists including those from Japan easier visit ...

15 power plants in Sumatra operate below capacity

At least 15 power plants in Sumatra could not operate at full capacity resulting in areas in the island to take their ...

Pengungsi ganggu layanan kereta Euro Tunnel

Sekira 200 pengungsi menyerbu masuk ke terowongan bawah laut yang menghubungkan Inggris dan Prancis (Euro Channel ...

Empat tewas, 23 cedera akibat ledakan di Filipina

Bom jalanan menewaskan empat orang dalam iringan politisi Filipina pada Kamis, sementara ledakan bus terpisah ...