The Government of Malaysia has deported 93 problematic Indonesian migrant workers in Sabah through Tunon Taka ...
Sedikitnya 9.000 orang menyelamatkan diri akibat kekerasan di bagian utara Nigeria dan mereka melintas ke ...
Illegal logging is growing rampant damaging the Krinci Seblat National Park in the regency of Musi Rawas of South ...
A flood triggered by heavy rains affected two sub-districts on Madura Island, East Java, on Tuesday, with a water ...
At least 142 cyclists started competing in Tour de Singkarak (TdS) international bicycles race from Jam Gadang (Clock ...
French film producer Zidane William Estel has a profound interest in Ternate tourism sector in North Maluku and wants ...
Jakarta provincial government will conduct the Jakarta Festival Museum Day (JFMD) on Saturday (May 18) in effort to ...
Police are conducting a hunt for Mohammad Basri who fled several days ago from a prison where he is serving 19 years ...
A total of 45 junior soccer teams have confirmed to participate in the Manchester United Premier Cup (MUPC) tournament ...
The price of red pepper known locally as "rawit" is picking up over the past four months in this city and hit a ...
Publicly traded cement company PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. said it cut its exports by 84.5 percent but raised ...
Publicly traded cement maker PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa said it is finalizing the feasibility study of a project ...
The Indonesian Navy is ready to deploy warships to ferry Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) from Sabah, Malaysia, if an ...
The Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) receives increasing demand of artificial ...
The Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) receives increasing demand of artificial ...