
Collection of lake news, found 1.068 news.

PON Papua

Taking a peek at cenderawasih in its natural habitat

Early morning on October 5, 2021, five of us, including Alex Waisimon and a guide, enter a forest right behind an inn ...

Lake Toba: Ministry to enlist tourist support for sustainable tourism

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has said it will invite tourists visiting Lake Toba, North Sumatra, to ...

Tourism Ministry holds international conference at Lake Toba

The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry held the International Heritage of Toba: Natural & Cultural Diversity ...

PON Papua

PON XX opening ceremony in Papua starts

The opening ceremony of the 20th National Sports Week (PON) kicked off with a traditional dance at 7 p.m. local time at ...

Papua PON: Leonardo bags gold in Speed WR sport climbing

Athlete from the West Kalimantan contingent Veddriq Leonardo won a gold medal in the men's singles Speed World ...

Raharjati Nursyamsa surpasses Veddriq Leonardo's climbing world record

West Java athlete Raharjati Nursyamsa might replace West Kalimantan representative Veddriq Leonardo as the men's ...

Indonesia recounts achievements in water preservation at G20 meeting

Indonesia continues to realize the global commitment to preserving water resources ahead of the G20 presidency in 2022, ...

PON XX flame emblematizes Papuans' spirit: Mimika District Head

The PON XX National Games' flame symbolizes the Papuan people's spirit to partake and enliven the quadrennial ...

PON Papua

Stakeholders must promote Papua tourism during PON: KONI

Indonesia's National Sports Committee (KONI) has urged all stakeholders to use the XX Papua National Sports Week ...

Sumadi reviews transportation readiness ahead of PON XX

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi inspected several transportation facilities and infrastructure prepared for ...

PT PP supports tourism villages' development at five top destinations

State firm PT PP, a construction and investment enterprise, supports the economic development of tourism village ...

Papua PON: Must-visit photo op locations around Jayapura clusters

Jayapura City and Jayapura District are two of the four venue clusters where the XX National Sports Week (PON) will be ...

Indonesia launches apprenticeship program in tourism destinations

The Indonesian Manpower Ministry has said it will massively develop skilled human resources in five super-priority ...

Tourism Ministry collaborates with OTA to drive tourism revival

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy collaborates with the online travel agency (OTA) Pegipegi to revive the ...

Meratus meets criteria to gain UNESCO Global Geopark status: geologist

Meratus mountains meet the criteria to gain the UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG) status on account of the geological, ...