#land acquisition

Collection of land acquisition news, found 296 news.

Manado-Bitung toll road construction cannot be postponed by otniel tamindael - (d)

The construction of Manado-Bitung toll road in North Sulawesi province cannot be postponed because it is closely ...

Year Ender - Indonesia`s Airline Industry Flourishing, Facing Challenges in Airport Capacity

A relatively positive economic growth in the past few years has impacted the national airline business, where the ...

Indonesia's oil production over 200 thousand bpd

State-owned oil and gas firm Pertamina has said that the country`s condensate and crude oil production has been ...

Pertamina`s oil production target exceeds state budget assumption

PT Pertamina EP has set its crude oil and condensate production target at 125,000-127,000 barrels per day, exceeding ...

UN expert ends Indonesian visit with recommendations on adequate housing

United Nations Special Rapporteur Raquel Rolnik ended her visit to Indonesia with some recommendations after ...

70 pct of Trans-Java double track construction completed

About 70 percent of the construction of a 725 kilometer Jakarta-Surabaya double-track railway have been completed and ...

Six airports suffer losses

PT Angkasa Pura I said six of 13 airports it operates suffered losses ranging from Rp3 billion to Rp49 billion in ...

Railway networks in Kalimantan necessary for infrastructure improvement

Minister of Transportation E.E. Mangindaan said that Kalimantan needs railway networks to improve the transportation ...

Ex-district head facing 9 years jail term

Former Banyuwangi district head Ratna Ani Lestari, tried for alleged corruption by a Surabaya district court, is ...

MRT, monorail, then deep tunnel: Jokowi

Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has stated that he will implement development projects in the city one by one, ...

Parliament demands detailed audit of Hambalang project

The House of Representatives has asked the State Audit Agency (BPK) to provide a detailed audit report on the ...

Indonesian govt continues to reduce high cost of economy

Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said that the government had continued to reduce various barriers that created ...

Good infrastructure helps boost economic growth

Good infrastructure development would help boost quality and evenly-distributed economic growth, Peter F Gontha, the ...

Indonesian govt not to cut car production to reduce congestion

Industry Minister MS Hidayat said the government has no plan to cut domestic car production to reduce traffic ...

Indonesia braced for economic slowdown

Indonesia is bracing itself for the possibility of an economic slowdown following the worsening crisis in Europe, said ...