
Collection of lawmakers news, found 468 news.

Suicide bomber kill six including lawmakers in Somalia

A suicide bomber killed at least six people including two lawmakers in an attack in the central Somali town of ...

Taking seat is up to Suu Kyi: Thein Sein

Myanmar`s president said Monday opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi`s decision on whether to take her seat in ...

US invites Myanmar minister, welcomes Suu Kyi travel

The United States invited Myanmar`s foreign minister and said Wednesday that democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, who is ...

Ethiopia pm accuses Eritrea of kidnappings

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi accused Eritrea on Tuesday of abducting dozens of Ethiopian miners from the ...

Britain says all its embassy staff in Kabul "accounted for"

All British embassy staff in Kabul have been "accounted for" amid explosions and heavy gunfire in the diplomatic ...

President instructs his ranks to remain loyal to regulations

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ordered the ranks of his government to remain loyal and obedient to government ...

Pakistan Taliban to attack lawmakers if Afghan supply routes reopen

The Pakistan Taliban will attack lawmakers if they decide to re-open NATO supply routes to Afghanistan, the militant ...

12 killed in operation on Kurdish rebels in Turkey

Six Kurdish rebels and six policemen have been killed during a massive operation targetting PKK militants in ...

US paid $30 mln in last 3 years to drug informants

The United States paid $10 million in each of the past three years to informants in an effort to capture major ...

Amnesty urges China not to return N. Korea refugees

Human rights watchdog Amnesty International urged China Wednesday not to repatriate North Korean refugees, joining ...

Govt provides lawyers to defend migrant workers overseas

Taking care of around five million migrant workers overseas is not an easy task at all since the government has to ...

RI govt looks set to cut subsidized fuel consumption despite protests

The government looks set to limit the use of subsidized fuel oils and implement an oil-to-gas conversion program ...

Israel must free jailed lawmakers: Palestinians

The Palestinians urged Israel to free dozens of Palestinian lawmakers during a new round of exploratory talks held in ...

Key U.S. lawmaker heads to Myanmar

A US congressman who has spearheaded sanctions aimed at pressuring Myanmar will pay his first visit to the country ...

Obama swaps Hawaii for reelection heat

US President Barack Obama lands in Washington Tuesday after his Hawaiian vacation, facing a buzz saw of Republican ...