#mainstream media

Collection of mainstream media news, found 104 news.

Makassar naval base and seaport authorities clean up marine debris

The Makassar Naval Base (Lantamal VI) and the coastal city's seaport authorities have collaborated to clean up ...

Drug producers and dealers are Indonesia`s number one enemy

This week, the Indonesian public was again at the receiving end of a shocking news of a politician arrested for ...

Jusuf Kalla appreciates Nahdlatul Ulama`s recommendations on plastic waste reduction

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla officially concluded the Nahdlatul Ulama`s (NU`s) National Meeting of Ulemas and ...

Potential forest fires detected in Indonesia`s Riau province: BMKG

The Pekanbaru Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has detected 54 hotspots, indicating potential ...

Fifty tons of marine debris picked up from Wakatobi: official

The local government and community members in Wakatobi District, Southeast Sulawesi Province, commemorated National ...

Media Alert: Monash University experts

-Media Alert Monash University has several experts available for comment on a range of topics relating to the festive ...

Tackling plastic waste menace in Indonesia

Indonesia finds itself facing a grim reality, with the recent death of a sperm whale after ingesting almost six ...

Messages of peace and unity in 212 Reunion rally

The Indonesian capital city, Jakarta, is bracing for this year`s 212 reunion rally on Sunday (Dec 2), which ...

Ensuring Indonesia`s support for Palestine remains unchanged

The Palestinian issue has emerged as a major concern amid rising competition between the camps of the Joko ...

News Focus - Saving Indonesia`s marine life by Rahmad Nasution

This week, Indonesia has been in the spotlight of the mainstream media in the country and abroad after a dead sperm ...

News focus - Stop spreading fake news for Indonesia`s fair elections By Rahmad Nasution

The proliferation of fake news, hate speech, and slander has obviously become a serious problem prior to next year`s ...

Another serious problem behind Haringga Sirla tragedy

The death of a Persija supporter, identified as Haringga Sirla, has not just left miseries to the victim`s parents and ...

Indonesia`s public broadcasting institutions expected to provide positive news contents

Public broadcasting institutions in Indonesia are expected to serve the public with news contents that can positively ...

News focus - Testing indonesian media`s impartiality ahead of 2019 elections

The credibility of Indonesia`s media outlets in conducting their news coverage on politically-related events and ...

Former Indonesian president pledges to hunt his slanderer

The Democrat Party leader, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, pledges to hunt a slanderer, who has written and published a fake ...