
Collection of maloy news, found 22 news.

Investment Expected To Fuel Economic Growth

- Realization of investment targets in the years ahead will help to boost the countrys economic growth, Chief Economic ...

E. Kalimantan expected to become strategic economic growth center

East Kalimantan is known as a resource-rich province and is one of the best-established mining areas in Indonesia ...

E. Kalimantan no longer sleeping giant

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has praised the development of East Kalimantan saying that the province can no ...

MP3EI not image-building project

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has dismissed accusations that the government`s Master Plan for the Acceleration ...

East Kutai to develop Maloy int`l industrial port zonea

The East Kutai district administration is to make 4,500 hectares of land available for the development of its Maloy ...

E Kalimantan builds three industrial estates

To build a highly competitive regional economy to raise the welfare of the local population, the East Kalimantan ...

International port project canceled

The Maloy International Port project in East Kutai district needs to be canceled in view of the many reefs which have ...