
Collection of mass news, found 3.542 news.

Digital literacy can help people understand data protection: ministry

Holding digital literacy programs is one way to help the community understand data protection at the basic level, the ...

BI releases seven new denominations of 2022 edition Rupiah banknotes

Bank of Indonesia (BI) released seven denominations of the 2022 issue banknotes: Rp1,000, Rp2,000, Rp5,000, Rp10,000, ...

Make more educational shows for children, minister tells broadcasters

Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Bintang Puspayoga, has asked all Indonesian broadcasting and ...

Indonesia encourages using domestically-made electric vehicles

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi encouraged the use of environmentally friendly vehicles made by the ...

Bappenas holds competition to commend stakeholders supporting SDGs

The Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) held  Indonesia's SDGs Action Awards 2022 as a mark ...

Officials should not be oversensitive to public criticism: Speaker

Government officials must not be oversensitive to public criticism that is essential in the nation-building process, ...

Governor caps integrated transportation fare at Rp10,000

The Jakarta Governor, Anies Baswedan, has capped the one-time tariff for integrated transportation services ...

Greater Jakarta: Number of public transport users on the rise

The use of public transportation in Greater Jakarta, or "Jabodetabek" (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and ...

BRIN develops nutritious biscuits to tackle anemia in pregnant women

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has created nutritious biscuits for pregnant women to ensure they ...

Dynamic test of Jakarta-Bandung fast train in Nov: ministry

The Transportation Ministry is seeking to conduct the dynamic test of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train (KCJB) in ...

Govt works to bolster health services in fight against infant wasting

The Health Ministry continues to bolster health services to prevent more infants from experiencing wasting, defined as ...

Support strengthening of public education on monkeypox: govt

The Indonesian government has voiced support for the effort to bolster public education and dissemination of ...

BKKBN, stakeholders launch Family Planning 2030 program

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) launched Family Planning 2030 in collaboration with the ...

Ministry holds '1,000 Digital Startup National Movement' roadshow

The Communication and Informatics Ministry launched the ‘1,000 Digital Startup Movement’ roadshow in ...

Jakarta to inventory sources of pollution in Kalibaru River

The Jakarta Environment Office will inventory sources of pollution arising from residential areas, offices, industries, ...