#medical workers

Collection of medical workers news, found 417 news.

IDI, Anak Bangsa Peduli collaborate to help healthcare workers

The Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) has said it is collaborating with Anak Bangsa Peduli, a civil society ...

E Java's medical workers offer Kimia Farma's 5,500 supplement packages

PT Kimia Farma Apotek, a subsidiary of state-owned pharmaceutical firm  PT Kimia Farma, has begun assisting ...

Expert presses for maximizing efforts to battle COVID-19 pandemic

Prof. Tjandra Yoga Aditama from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, underscored that efforts to handle ...

Need to focus on condition of medical staff: MPR deputy speaker

The government needs to pay greater attention to the condition of healthcare and medical workers who are facing high ...

Ministry readies Pelni ship as isolation center in Makassar

The Transportation Ministry has readied a state-owned shipping company PT Pelni ship to serve as an isolation center ...

Government begins door-to-door vaccination drive

The Indonesian government on Wednesday began rolling out door-to-door COVID-19 vaccinations targeting at least 19 ...

Mobile clinic to begin COVID vaccinations in North Jakarta July 13

A mobile clinic operated by the North Jakarta Health Office will begin distributing COVID-19 vaccines in the area from ...

TNI recruits thousands of volunteers for COVID-19 vaccination drive

The National Defense Forces (TNI) recruited thousands of medical and non-medical volunteers at the TNI Headquarters in ...

W Papuan hospital buckles amid COVID surge, stops admitting patients

Overwhelmed by a surge in coronavirus infections, the COVID-19 referral hospital in West Papua's Manokwari has ...

Govt pays Rp10.6 trillion towards COVID-19 patients' medical bills

The Indonesian government has paid Rp10.6 trillion towards the settlement of medical bills of COVID-19 patients as of ...

Bogor reels from health worker shortage for handling COVID-19 patients

The Bogor city government in West Java is running short of healthcare workers to handle the rising number of COVID-19 ...

PT INKA's emergency hospital treating 60 COVID-19 patients

State-owned train manufacturer PT Industri Kereta Api Indonesia (INKA) has converted the coaches of two trains into a ...

Aceh residents must remain alert for family cluster infections: IDI

Aceh chapter has appealed to residents of Aceh province to continue to comply with the health protocols and remain ...

Police force should streamline, fortify institutional management

Indonesian President Joko Widodo highlighted the need for the National Police Force (POLRI) to improve and strengthen ...

TNI chief to send more medical workers to COVID-19 health facilities

National Defense Forces (TNI) Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto said he will soon send additional healthcare workers to ...