
Collection of medicine news, found 1.468 news.

North Sumatra starts FMD vaccinations

The provincial government of North Sumatra officially started administering the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccine to ...

Ministry proposes Rp4.6-trillion budget to counter FMD outbreak

The Agriculture Ministry has proposed a budget of Rp4.6 trillion, sourced from the National Economic Recovery funding, ...

Breaking the barrier in reaching good glycaemic control by empowerment of healthcare professionals

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Novo Nordisk Indonesia has teamed up with the Indonesia Ministry of Health, the Danish Embassy, ...

Glodok Chinatown offers storynomics tourism steeped in history

making techniques. "In Petak Enam, I opened the Glodok Chinatown Festival. Please, enjoy this wonderful ...

PDUI collaborates with MediSage to strengthen competence of doctors

The Indonesian General Practitioners Association (PDUI) collaborated with digital platform from India MediSage to ...

Mary Kay Inc. partners with the Society of Investigative Dermatology (SID) to award educational grants to academic research fellows for advancement in research to promote skin health

Mary Kay Inc., a global leader in skincare innovation, recently sponsored and revealed its inaugural Mary Kay Skin ...

Mary Kay Inc. presents new findings on pollution and skin health at Society for Investigative Dermatology Conference

Mary Kay Inc., a global leader in skin care innovation, continued its ongoing support of the beauty and scientific ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 Summit and hope of expedited recovery in Bali

Bali, the province’s economy managed to grow 1.46 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2022. “We ...

Support WHO initiative to develop new TB vaccine: Indonesia

Indonesia has expressed its support for the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) initiative to develop a new ...

DEXLEVO’s 26 billion won pre-IPO spurs global marketing of ‘GOURI’

As the spread of COVID-19 has slowed down worldwide, the demand for skincare is expected to increase, and expectations ...

G20 Indonesia

GISAID+ to improve the country's response to pandemic: Ministry

The Indonesian Health Ministry's Secretary-General Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha emphasized the importance of ...

Digitalization key to improving RI's economy in post-pandemic period

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo emphasized that digitalization is one of the keys to improving ...

3 ways to build a sustainable and digital Asia-Pacific

The last two years have been a series of trials. Out of the changes there has been increasing attention in the digital ...

Examining chances of reaching COVID endemicity by Independence Day

After battling the COVID-19 pandemic for more than two years, the Indonesian government is still prioritizing ...

FMD handling not compromising slaughter animal stocks in Kulon Progo

The Kulon Progo District Government, Yogyakarta, has ensured that efforts to address the foot and mouth disease (FMD) ...