
Collection of membership news, found 993 news.

Asia Jet & Jet Edge International Announce Collaborative Fleet Expansion

- Asia Jet, the Hong Kong based Charter Management and aviation leader in Asia, has joined forces in a strategic ...

EU wins 2012 Nobel Peace Prize, despite debt crisis

The European Union won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for its historic role in uniting the continent in an award ...

Russian to support Palestine appeal for observer-state status

Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas may count on Russia's support when he appeals to the UN ...

Lawyer for Thailand's Red Shirts Denounces Report on 2010 Violence

- Counsel acting on behalf of Thailand's Red Shirt pro-democracy movement has denounced the conclusions of a new report ...

Indonesia to focus on substances, logistics for APEC Summit 2013

The Russian government handed over the APEC (Asia and Pacific Economic Cooperation) chairmanship to Indonesia at the ...

Palestine`s cause is also Indonesia`s cause, minister says

As a staunch supporter of Palestine, Indonesia has often expressed its commitment to helping prepare the establishment ...

Sultan Hamengku Buwono resigns from Golkar party

Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X of Yogyakarta who is also the governor of the special region in central Java has resigned ...

NAM must contribute to world peace

Indonesian Vice President Boediono said that the Non-Aligned Movement (MAM) members must provide bigger contribution ...

Indonesia calls for reform of UN Security Council

Indonesia has called for comprehensive reform of the UN Security Council on grounds that the UN body is no longer ...

Syrian fm says U.S. spearheaded conspiracy against Syria

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said Thursday that the United States is the head of the conspiracy against ...

Indonesia supports OIC decision to freeze Syrian membership

Foreign Minister R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa, representing the government of Indonesia in the fourth Summit of the ...

PAN party to set up 50 traffic regulation posts for Idul Fitri travelers

To facilitate a smooth passage for home-bound Idul Fitri travelers, the National Mandate Party (PAN) plans to set up ...

Ramallah rejection reinforces Israel`s inflexible stance: Marty

Israel`s refusal to allow five foreign ministers -- from countries that are part of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM.

OIC to discuss suspension of Syria`s membership, fm

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) during its extraordinary summit in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on August 14-15 ...

Air China Earns a Top 24th Finish

- According to the "Top 500 Chinese Most Valuable Brands" list for 2012 recently released by World Brand Lab at the 8th ...