
Collection of mental news, found 781 news.

Islamic New Year chance to pursue change: Muhammadiyah

Muhammadiyah has urged Muslims, particularly those who follow the organization, to use the Islamic New Year as an ...

BKKBN highlights importance of collaboration for stunting reduction

The National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) has stressed that collaboration is important for addressing ...

Kampung KB program maintains village teenagers' mental health: BKKBN

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) stated that the Quality Family Village (Kampung KB) program ...

Global conference in Sydney to address community health challenges being faced by family doctors

- The Asia Pacific region will take an international centre stage for general practice this October as a global ...

Violent games can lead to aggressive behavior in children: official

Online game addiction can make children more aggressive and individualistic, according to Amurwani Dwi Lestariningsih, ...

Eating with family at dining table can prevent stunting: BKKBN

The habit of eating together with the family at the dining table can serve as an effort to prevent children from ...

MPR seeks bolstering of early detection to anticipate rise in diseases

Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Lestari Moerdijat has sought the strengthening ...

"Gotong royong" important foundation for independent economy: Ministry

The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs stated that "gotong royong," or mutual ...

Sustainable tourism has become current tourism trend: Minister

Sustainable tourism has become the current tourism trend that draws both local and international tourists, Minister of ...

AstraZeneca announces $400 million investment in reforestation and biodiversity

AstraZeneca has announced a $400 million investment in its global AZ Forest programme, raising its commitment to plant ...

OJK anticipates financial misconduct towards disabled people

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) anticipates misconduct in the financial services sector targeting people with ...

Harganas momentum to build resilience through family health: IDI

National Family Day (Harganas) is an opportunity to build the nation's resilience through family health, according ...

US, European tourist visits in January-April show positive trend: Govt

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy's Deputy for Strategic Policies, Nia Niscaya, drew attention to a ...

Graduation ceremonies not mandatory: Education Ministry

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in a statement issued on Monday stressed that the ...

Social stigma linked to gender violence against widows, divorcées

The social stigma against widows and divorced women is responsible for the frequent cases of violence against them, the ...