#merapi eruption

Collection of merapi eruption news, found 66 news.

BII completed its rehabilitation program for Merapi community

PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk (BII) through its corporate social responsibility (CSR) program "BII Berbagi" ...

BII Completed Its Rehabilitation Program for Merapi Community

Magelang – PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk (BII) through its corporate social responsibility (CSR) program ...

Target 0f 2.5 million tourists to Borobudur temple reached

An official of Borobudur Temple Garden Tour (TWCB) targeted 2.5 million tourists in 2012. "We are optimistic the ...

Ministry denies borobudur to be taken off UNESCO`s list

A senior Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry official has denied allegations that the ancient Borobudur Temple in ...

Public Cemeteries Like Recreational Parks During Idul Fitri

Deserted and scary on ordinary days , many public and family cemeteries across Indonesia have since Monday become much ...

Public cemeteries like recreational parks during Idul Fitri

Deserted and scary on ordinary days , many public and family cemeteries across Indonesia have since Monday become ...

More foreign tourists visit Borobudur after Merapi eruption

The number foreign tourist visits to the Borobudur temple in Central Java province increased over a month ago ...

President signs decree on dealing with Mt Merapi

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono signed decree No 16 of 2011 on the reconstruction and rehabilitation coordination ...

Yogyakarta`s Malioboro Enlivened With Art Festivals

Yogyakarta`s authorities are organizing various art festivals, carnivals, and cultural performances in Malioboro, the ...

Yogyakarta`s Malioboro enlivened with art festivals

Yogyakarta`s authorities are organizing various art festivals, carnivals, and cultural performances in Malioboro, the ...

VP asks for Yogyakarta people`s patience on special status bill

Vice President Boediono called on Yogyakarta people to wait and respect the process of House of Representatives (DPR) ...

VP inspects conditions of villages hit by Mount Merapi eruption

Vice President Boediono visited Yogyakarta in Central Java on Thursday to inspect conditions of villages hit by Mount ...

Earth short of water by 2025

The earth may face a water shortage by 2025 as the result of lack of concern for the environment causing a water ...

Borobudur temple conservation hangs in balance following volcanic ashes

Conservation experts are racing against time to preserve the Borobudur World Heritage Site which was severely damaged ...

US deputy ambassador meets Sultan Hamengkubuwono X

US deputy ambassador Ted Osius met with Yogyakarta governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X here on Friday to introduce ...