
Collection of meulaboh news, found 108 news.

floods hit two districts in aceh province

Floods have hit the districts of South Aceh and Southwest Aceh in Aceh Province, following incessant heavy rains since ...

State enterprises should look for alternative financing

A deputy at the office of the Minister for State Enterprises (BUMN) Aloysius Klik Ro said BUMNs should be active in ...

Seven Seismic Sensors Installed in Aceh

Mata Ie Geophysics Station in Aceh Besar District has installed seven sensors that are directly connected to the ...

SAR team evacuates ship and crew members in Aceh waters

The joint Search and Rescue Team successfully evacuated a unit of fishing boat, along with three crew members on board ...

77 mass organizations stage rally to show solidarity with Palestine

Some 77 Islamic and youth organizations in West Aceh district staged a rally on Friday to show their solidarity with ...

Better efforts needed for disaster preparedness and mitigation

Natural disasters that have hit Indonesia up to June 2017 include floods (37.4 percent), whirlwinds (29.2 percent), ...

Closely supervising temporary foreign workers

Reports on arrests and deportations of foreign workers have become quite frequent lately, as regional authorities ...

Five foreigners file pretrial over arrest for immigration violation

Four Chinese nationals and one Malaysian citizen have filed a pretrial over their arrest by the Meulaboh Immigration ...

Acehnese commemorate the devastating 2004 tsunami

Residents of Aceh Province gathered on Monday to pray and commemorate the 12th anniversary of Acehs tsunami. "I ...

Government to develop Simeulue oil and gas blocks

The government will develop possible oil and gas reserve in the regency of Simeulue, off the coast of western Aceh. ...

Two armed civilians killed in firefight in Aceh Jaya

Two armed civilians were killed following a firefight with police in the village of Lhok Guci, Pasie Raya, Aceh Jaya, ...

Floods inundate nine villages in West Aceh

Floods inundated at least nine villages in East Woyla Sub-district, West Aceh District, Aceh Province, on Friday as ...

Floods force over 7,000 West Aceh residents to seek refuge

Floods have hit 12 sub-districts in West Aceh District, Aceh Darusalam Province, forcing over seven thousand people to ...

Immigration personnel arrest nine Indians in Aceh

The Meulaboh Immigration officers arrested at least nine Indian citizens from a motel located in Meulaboh of West Aceh ...

President Jokowi to make celebrating Eid in different regions a tradition

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that he will make it a tradition to visit regions to observe Eid celebrations in ...