#middle east

Collection of middle east news, found 1.978 news.

Indonesia, Iran to sign preferential trade agreement

Indonesia and Iran will sign a preferential trade agreement (PTA) on Tuesday (May 23, 2023) to improve trade relations ...

Bali-bound Amin to open 18th Asia Media Summit on Tuesday

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, in the company of Second Lady Wury, flew to Bali on Monday to open the 18th Asia Media ...

Gradiant Raises $225 Million to Accelerate Business Expansion

 Gradiant, a global end-to-end solutions provider of advanced water and wastewater treatment, today announced it ...

Pepper Advantage Acquires Indian AI-driven Credit Management Platform Rieom.ai

Pepper Advantage, a global credit intelligence company, has acquired Rieom.ai, a specialist AI-driven credit ...

OIKN highlights 17 countries' IKN investment interest until May 7

The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) revealed that as many as 17 countries are keen to invest in the Nusantara ...

JTC MoU brings benefits to Indonesia-Egypt trade: Minister

Indonesian Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan led the inking of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) of the Joint Trade ...

Envirol to invest in waste management of Indonesia's new capital city

The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) and Envirol, a company from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), have signed a ...

Prospective Hajj pilgrims should be wary of MERS-CoV: Ministry

The Health Ministry urged prospective Hajj pilgrims to be wary of infection from the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ...

Minister asks furniture industry to explore alternative markets

Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Minister Teten Masduki has urged furniture and crafts industry ...

Foreign tourist visits reached 809.96 thousand in March 2023: BPS

Statistics Indonesia (BPS) recorded that the number of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia in March 2023 had reached ...

Kazakhstan's Technology Investment Company DAR Has Successfully Launched DAR U, a Fourth-generation University

- Almaty headquartered technology company DAR announces the launch of its latest product, DAR U - a fourth-generation ...

SPPGI encourages increased production of agarwood plantations

Chairman of the Central Leadership Council of the Indonesian Gaharu Farmers and Entrepreneurs Union (SPPGI) Syamsu Alam ...

The 8th Linqing China Bearing, Spare Parts and Special Equipment Exhibition & Bearing Industry Summit Forum Held in Linqing

- From April 8 to 10, 2023, the 8th Linqing China Bearing, Spare Parts and Special Equipment Exhibition & Bearing ...

Three Uzbek terror suspects attack Indonesian immigration officers

Three Uzbekistan nationals who had been detained for allegedly spreading terror propaganda attacked five immigration ...

Four Uzbek terror suspects picked up by police

The Indonesian Police's anti-terror squad Densus 88 nabbed four Uzbekistan nationals for allegedly spreading terror ...