Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) urged the Indonesian government to call on the international community to provide military support for Palestine in an effort to put an end to the brutalities being committed by Israel.

MUI Chairperson for Fatwa, Asrorun Niam Sholeh, made this statement during the Ijtima Ulama VII national meeting in Bangka Belitung Province on Wednesday (May 29), according to the council's statement cited here on Friday.

"Considering the barbaric genocide being committed in a blatant manner in Palestine's Gaza, the Indonesian Government needs to take the initiative to invite other countries, especially members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, to provide military support to end Israel's brutalities," he stated.

Sholeh remarked that the government should continue to support the Palestinians' struggle for independence from Israeli oppressors, citing the 1945 Constitution that mandates Indonesia to take part in eliminating colonialism from the world.

He also deemed it mandatory for Muslims to carry out jihad, which means to strive or do one's utmost, to safeguard national independence and sovereignty. During peace, jihad can be implemented by making genuine and continued efforts to do good deeds in society, he added.

"During a war, jihad refers to the obligation of Muslims to take up arms in order to protect the sovereignty of their nations," he elaborated further.

On that note, he said aggressive, genocidal, and colonialist actions taken by any parties are at odds with Islamic teachings and commitments to independence as well as international law.

Sholeh deemed it imperative for every Indonesian citizen to actualize independence, oppose every single form of colonialism, and support other nations' struggles for independence.

"The state must cut its cooperation with aggressor or colonial countries and impose sanctions on parties that are either overtly or covertly supporting, sympathizing, and cooperating with colonialists," he affirmed.

As one of the most prominent Islamic institutions in Indonesia, he emphasized that the MUI would continue to advocate for the interests of every oppressed nation, including Palestine.

He stated that the council would also continue to promote interfaith dialog at the international level.

The Ijtima Ulama VII meeting drew participation from 654 people, including representatives of fatwa institutions of friendly countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

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Translator: Sean F, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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