#military command

Collection of military command news, found 800 news.

Some 2000 students will be involved in Asia-Africa Conference

Some two thousand junior high school students will be involved in the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the ...

Jakarta ready to host Asia-Africa Conference`s anniversary commemoration: Ahok

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) said the city has been ready to host the commemoration of the 60th ...

Two kidnapped Indonesian soldiers found dead in Aceh

Two Indonesian military officers, who had been kidnapped, were found dead in Nisam Antara sub-district, North Aceh ...

Military and police discover marijuana plantation in Aceh

A hectare of marijuana plantation has been discovered in a joint military (TNI.

Indonesian military to increase number of personnel guarding borderlines

The Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) will increase the number of its personnel to guard Indonesia-Malasyia borderlines, ...

Malaysian monitoring post does not violate borderlines: Indonesian military

Chief of the 0911/Nunukan District Military Command Lt. Col. Putra Widastawa said the Malaysian monitoring post built ...

Military commander denies involvement of troop in ammunition supply in Papua

Chief of the Cendrawasih XVII Regional Military Command, Maj. Gen. Fransen Siahaan, denied on Wednesday that his man ...

Indonesian intelligence urges people not to be affected by travel warnings

Chief of the State Intelligence Agency Marciano Norman has said that situation in Surabaya has been favorable, so ...

Rescue team deploys divers to recover bodies of AirAsia victims

The joint search and rescue team will deploy divers to retrieve the bodies of the victims of AirAsia Flight QZ8501 ...

Floods spread across North Aceh

Floods triggered by heavy rains over the past few days have forced thousands of people in North Aceh district to ...

Press should give constructive criticism: President

The press should give constructive criticism and not pass remarks that can encourage a sense of pessimism, President ...

TNI to built 17 additional border posts in Kalimantan

The Indonesian Military (TNI) plans to add 17 border posts in areas located in the East and North Kalimantan provinces ...

Post-clashes security condition in Papua under control: Senior minister

The security situation in the easternmost Indonesian province of Papua has returned to normal following clashes ...

Jakarta administration to involve military in Ciliwung River bank`s restoration

The Jakarta capital city administration will rope in military (TNI) personnel to restore the banks of the Ciliwung ...

Two Indonesian soldiers interrogated over sale of ammunition

The investigators from the Army Military Police have questioned two personnel from the Indonesian Military for their ...