#military operations

Collection of military operations news, found 204 news.

Indonesian army ready to secure freedom of hostages: Army chief

The Indonesian army has expressed its readiness to secure the freedom of hostages abducted by armed groups in the ...

Terror suspect Santoso`s wife in hospital

Jamiatun, the wife of Santoso, the alleged terrorist group leader, who was killed in a fire fight in Poso, Central ...

End of terror group leader`s "adventure" in Poso`s forested mountain

Santoso, one of the most wanted terror leaders in Indonesia, was finally eliminated in a gunfire by legal enforcers on ...

Santoso, Basri most likely shot dead in Poso: Police chief

The two men shot dead in Poso were most likely Santoso and Basri, the fugitives involved in cases of terrorism, ...

Tougher challenges await new police chief

The newly installed National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian might be relatively young for the top post, but he is ...

New police chief to focus on handling terrorism

New Police Chief General Tito Karnavian has said he will focus on handling crimes such as terrorism and conflicts ...

Military operation to be final option to free Indonesian hostages

In the last five months, Indonesias government has faced five hostage-taking incidents involving 24 Indonesian sailors ...

Indonesia adopting persuasive approach encourages hostage takers: Military

The Indonesian Defense Forces (TNIs) Commander, General Gatoto Nurmantyo, said Indonesia adopted an approach that was ...

TNI considering stationing soldiers on board ships to prevent abductions

The Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) are mulling the feasibility of putting soldiers on board ships to ensure their ...

President Jokowi makes impromptu visit to Dr M. Djamil hospital

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) made an impromptu visit to the Dr M. Djamil Hospital in Padang, West Sumatra, on ...

President Jokowi opens multilateral naval exercise

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), on Tuesday, opened a multilateral naval exercise known as "Komodo 2016," which will be ...

Diplomacy and negotiation efforts on for Indonesian hostage liberation: Minister

Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said the government is still trying diplomatic negotiations to secure ...

Government urged to set deadline for operation to arrest Santoso

The Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) has urged the government to set a deadline for the security operation to hunt down ...

Japan opens radar station close to disputed isles in move bound to rile China

Japan on Monday switched on a radar station in the East China Sea, giving it a permanent intelligence gathering post ...

Three warships take part in sea border security exercise

Three Indonesian warships have been sent for sea security exercise taking place in the sea border with Australia. ...