#minimum wage

Collection of minimum wage news, found 218 news.

Thailand to open new parliament

Thailand`s new parliament is to officially open on Monday, faced with the daunting challenge of bringing stability to ...

Govt finally stops migrant workers dispatch to S Arabia

The government has finally decided to impose a moratorium on the dispatch of migrant workers (TKI) to Saudi Arabia ...

RI temporarily stops sending workers to Saudi Arabia

Indonesia has decided to temporarily stop sending domestic workers to Saudi Arabia as of August 1. Manpower ...

VP: no more low-wage policy to attract investment

Vice President Boediono called on all parties especially the Boards of Wage Policy Makers not to think of a low wage ...

Workers Observe May Day Peacefully, Call For Welfare Improvement

Thousands of workers celebrated Labor Day or May Day on May 1 in a number of cities peacefully, Sunday, and chanted ...

Lebanese protest against sectarian political system

Hundreds of Lebanese protested in the capital Beirut on Sunday against the country`s sectarian political system. ...

Govt to review generic drug market prices

The Health Ministry is to review the prices of generic drugs in the market in light of the fact that an increase in ...

Indonesia must accomplish positive things as ASEAN chair

Indonesia must be able to accomplish positive things as the ASEAN chair in 2011, an international relations observer ...