#moderate islam

Collection of moderate islam news, found 111 news.

News Focus

Indonesia's soft approach to counter terrorism threats

It is obvious that terrorism continues to remain a serious threat to Indonesia. This was reaffirmed by the recent news ...

Indonesia's BNPT head pays visit to Ali Fauzi, Umar Patek

National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Head Commissioner General Suhardi Alius and his colleagues visited a former ...

30 West Java's young ulemas to be sent to campaign for peaceful Islam

A total of 30 young ulemas from different parts of West Java Province passed the English Program for Ulemas, and they ...

Kalla instructs removal of symbol of sword from Muslim youth forum`s emblem

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has ordered the Indonesian Mosque Youth Communication Forum (BKPRMI) to remove the sword on ...

All elements of society should build healthy communication: Anies Baswedan

Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has said that all elements of society should build healthy communication to maintain ...

Members of Muslimat NU should become smart women: Said Aqil

One of the women`s wings of the country`s largest Muslim organization, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muslimat NU, should ...

President discusses pesantren bill with Aceh ulemas

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) met with several ulemas and chiefs of Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren) across Aceh ...

News Focus - Preventing spread of religious radicalism at campuses

Religious radicalism has become a serious challenge for many countries in the world, including Indonesia, amid the ...

Prevent infiltration of radicalism in mosques in Indonesia`s universities: VP

Vice President Jusuf Kalla urged academic community members of universities across Indonesia to prevent the spread of ...

Indonesia, Morocco sign five memoranda of understanding

Indonesian Deputy Foreign Minister A. M. Fachir and his counterpart from Morocco Mounia Boucetta have signed five ...

Bandung Islamic University to announce cooperation among ASEAN Islamic varsities

At the commemoration of its 60th anniversary, Bandung Islamic University (Unisba) will announce a cooperation program ...

VP opens training for Afghan students in Indonesia

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has launched an education and training program for 80 Afghan students to learn moderate ...

Indonesia, Senegal agree to promote moderate Islam

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi and Senegalese National Development Planning Minister Syeikh Kante ...

Saudi lauds Indonesia's support to make Al-Ahsa Oasis world heritage

The Saudi Arabian government has lauded its Indonesian counterpart`s support for Al-Ahsa Oasis being successfully ...

Indonesia participates in moderate Islam conference in Iraq

Indonesia is participating in the International Conference on Moderate Islam organized by the Sunni Waqf Council of ...