
Collection of mohammad news, found 1.188 news.

President awards title of national hero to six figures

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) awarded the title of national hero to six figures at the State Palace in Jakarta on ...

Indonesia, Pakistan agree to enhance bilateral trade

Indonesia and Pakistan have agreed to enhance bilateral trade, despite the negotiation that has come to a halt on the ...

Enjoying Muslim tour in Xi`an

When traveling to China, do not forget to put a Muslim tourist site in Xi`an City, Shaanxi Province, in your list of ...

PLO suspends recognition of Israel

The Central Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) said late Monday it is suspending its recognition ...

WHO classifies people aged 80-100 years as old: Amin

Vice presidential candidate Ma`ruf Amin cited the World Health Organization (WHO) as saying that one can be ...

Government prepares security for UN secretary general`s visit to Palu

The Indonesian government is making security preparations for the visits by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and ...

Malaysia adds M$500 thousand to its assistance for Palu quake victims

The Malaysian government has decided to increase its assistance by 500 thousand ringgit (M$500 thousand) to the ...

indonesia, pakistan boost non-palm oil products trade

Indonesia and Pakistan are boosting economic and trade cooperation for non-palm oil products as an effort to open ...

Indonesia, Australia encourage economic partnership

The Indonesian and Australian governments have encouraged the bilateral economic partnerships among others through an ...

Indonesia hands over chairmanship of Asean committee to Thailand

Indonesian Ambassador to Kuwait, Tatang Budie Utama Razak, handed over the chairmanship of ASEAN Committee in Kuwait ...

Indonesian State Audit Board re-elected member of ASOSAI Governing Board

The Indonesian State Audit Board (BPK) was re-elected a member of the Governing Board of the Asian Organization of ...

Safety is a must in transportation sector: Minister

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi emphasized that safety is must and could not be negotiated in the ...

Myanmar youth, journalists demonstrate against jailing of Reuters reporters

At least 100 Myanmar youth activists and journalists called for the release of two jailed Reuters journalists on ...

news focus - Prolonged drought triggers forest fires in Kalimantan and Java

The Indonesian government has been working all out to prevent forest fires over the last couple of years and been ...

Indonesia proposes joint exercise to fight terrorism

Indonesia has proposed a joint exercise along with the Philippines and Malaysian armies within the framework of the ...