#more patrol boats

Collection of more patrol boats news, found 80 news.

Angry Chinese families seek answers about missing Malaysian plane

Angry relatives of Chinese passengers aboard a Malaysia Airlines plane missing for more than a year clashed with ...

University of Indonesia collaborates with Swiss firms in maritime sector

The University of Indonesia (UI) collaborated with the Swiss Business Hub ASEAN to introduce the results of the latest ...

Russia and Egypt hold joint naval exercise

Russia and Egypt are holding their first ever joint naval exercise, Russias defence ministry said on ...

Indonesia tightens security measures as illegal fishing activities continue

Despite the Indonesian governments war against poaching activities in its waters, foreign boats continue to fish ...

Navy chief orders for tougher action against illegal fishing

Navy Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Ade Supandi told new chief of the East Fleet Rear Admiral Darwanto to be more ...

Government to have more patrol boats: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said the government will buy more patrol boats in 2015 to protect its territorial ...

Indonesian navy deploys 40 patrol boats to curb fuel smuggling

The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) is deploying at least 40 patrol boats in the eastern Indonesian waters to thwart fuel ...

New Indonesian Maritime Affairs Minister declares war against illegal fishing

Indonesia, the worlds largest archipelagic nation, has abundant marine resources with economic prospects touching ...

Indonesia-US committed to overcome illegal fishing practices: Minister

The government of the Republic of Indonesia and the United States of America are committed to overcome the illegal ...

Defense minister unveils Indonesian tombak-629 craft

The minister of Defense, Purnomo Yusgiantoro, unveiled the 60 meter long Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR), a fast attack ...

Brazil deploys troops to secure borders for World Cup

Brazil began deploying 30,000 troops on Saturday to patrol its borders and beef up security for the World Cup soccer ...

Bali police secure election logistics distribution

Bali Waters Police will secure the election logistics distribution from main island to surrounding small islands ...

RI condemns breach of sea border by Australia: Deputy minister

Indonesia has condemned the recent violation of its maritime border by the Australian Navy when it reportedly turned ...

Four Malaysian Fishing Vessels Arrested by the MMFA's Patrol Boats on Illegal Fishing Accusation

The Ministry of Marine and Fisheries Affairs' (MMFA) monitoring boats have caught four Malaysian-flagged fishing ...

Japan plans to give patrol boats to Manila

Japan plans to donate patrol boats costing $11 million each to the Philippines, ramping up regional efforts to monitor ...