#more than an exhibition

Collection of more than an exhibition news, found 2.554 news.

MPR lauds Aceh's post-tsunami infrastructure development

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR RI) Deputy Speaker Ahmad Muzani lauded the infrastructure development in ...

Disaster education and literacy must be improved: minister

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno stated that education and literacy on disasters must be improved so ...

Photojournalists hold exhibition to mark 17 years of Aceh's tsunami

Aceh Chapter held a photo exhibition on December 25-26 to commemorate 17 years of deadly earthquake and tsunami ...

K-Chemicals Cyber Exhibition Season II held in the second half of 2021 with over 270 participating companies in the Korean chemical and beauty industry

K-Chemicals Cyber Exhibition (K-Chemicals), an international online exhibition in the field of chemistry and beauty, ...

Ministry asks Ineonesia's universities to produce innovations

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology has urged universities to produce innovations such as the ...

KKP Ministry encourages seaweed innovation to lower import

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has encouraged innovation in seaweed commodities for lowering the ...

Minister calls on public to uphold solidarity in handling the pandemic

Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini said here on Monday that people should uphold solidarity in handling the ...

Merangin Geopark, Jambi's gem

Indonesia is dubbed as a “Heaven on Earth” for the rich natural beauty that has made it one of the ...

Vocational schools should produce young entrepreneurs: Ministry

Vocational schools in Indonesia must not only be able to produce skilled graduates but also young entrepreneurs, ...

Minister Pandjaitan encourages acceleration of digital transformation

Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan encourages the acceleration of digital ...

Minister agrees to invest in MSME run by disabled entrepreneur

State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir has agreed to turn investor for an MSME (micro, small and medium ...

Nursery to be built support forest rehabilitation in W Kalimantan

The Environment and Forestry Ministry will build a vast nursery to expedite the rehabilitation of forests and land in ...

Gov't to raise Rp973 trillion in loans to finance budget deficit

The Indonesian government plans to raise Rp973.6 trillion in loans to finance a budget deficit of Rp868 trillion next ...

Sentul Circuit to be redesigned: W Java Governor

The Sentul International Circuit in Sentul village, Babakan Madang Sub-district, Bogor District, West Java, will be ...

Uno supports digital art exhibition for boosting creative economic

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno supports digital art innovation that could encourage ...