#more than declaration

Collection of more than declaration news, found 1.673 news.

Myanmar democratization, South China sea among RI`s interests in 2012

The democratization process in Myanmar and progress in discussions on the South China Sea Code of Conduct will be ...

Past Year Marked By Intense RI-UNESCO Engagement

The year 2011 has been quite special for Indonesia and UNESCO as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono spoke at a UNESCO ...

Communists declare truce in typhoon-hit Mindanao

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the political party of the communist guerillas, has declared suspension ...

Wiranto ready to be re-nominated for presidency

The General Chairman of the People`s Conscience Party (Hanura), Wiranto, expressed his readiness to be re-nominated as ...

Indonesia must be more peaceful in 2012

Commonly understood as the absence of hostility, peace is a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violent ...

Arab Spring makes 2011 busy year for Indonesia

Geographically Indonesia is quite far from Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen - Arab countries that experienced popular ...

University of Indonesia named its first bureaucratic reform ambassador

Dewi Aryani has been named as an Ambassador of the University of Indonesia for Indonesia Bureaucratic Reform.It is the ...

Rights development must be balanced with welfare improvement

Vice President Boediono said respect or enforcement of human rights must go hand in hand with improvement of the ...

ASEAN mineral ministers meet in Hanoi to promote ties

The 3rd ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Minerals (AMMIN 3) was convened here on Friday to review the ASEAN minerals ...

Indonesia successfully takes ASEAN to greater height

When Indonesia assumed the ASEAN chairmanship in January 2011, ASEAN Secretary General Dr Surin Pitsuwan expressed ...

UI will conduct Clean & Serve Bureaucracy declaration

A forum to initiate a mass movement to support stimulate and promote the establishment of bureaucracy reform in ...

Seychelles invites China to set up anti-piracy base

The Seychelles on Friday invited Beijing to set up a military base on the archipelago to beef up the fight against ...

Kosovo Serbs shoot two NATO soldiers

Kosovo Serbs shot and wounded two soldiers from the NATO-led KFOR force stationed in northern Kosovo during clashes on ...

Ozone confab produces Bali Declaration

The five-day UN conference on the protection of ozone layer wound up here on Friday with the adoption of a Bali ...

Asean foundation chief to be senior advisor to enviro minister

ASEAN Foundation Executive Director Makarim Wibisono was invited to be a senior advisor to Environment Minister ...