#most attractive

Collection of most attractive news, found 1.020 news.

News feature - Aceh promotes Sabang as its tourism icon by Andi Abdussalam

Aceh is one of Indonesia`s 34 provinces rich in tourism potentials which could be promoted as a popular foreign ...

News Feature - Yogyakarta serves as center of cultural exchange by Andi Abdussalam

One of the country`s 34 provinces, Yoyakarta, is a special region, famous for its rich culture, education and ...

West Papua tourism management needs optimization

The East Indonesian province of West Papua is famous for its attractive tourism potential, but has not been managed ...

Indonesia`s entrepreneurship rate low: Minister

The entrepreneurship rate in Indonesia remains low, and the nation ranks 94th out of the 137 countries, Industry ...

London solidifies lead, New York rises fast and Tokyo retains 3rd in global rankings

- London, New York, Tokyo and Paris were again named the world’s most comprehensively attractive cities, in that ...

W Java offers investment opportunities to Russian investors

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil offered Russian investors business opportunities in various sectors such as ...

Indonesia offers Chinese investors to invest in three industrial estates

The Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has offered Chinese companies to invest in three industrial ...

Ambassador promotes Komodo National Park to Singaporean investors

Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore Ngurah Swajaya has promoted Labuan Bajo and Komodo National Park in West Manggarai, ...

News features - From pecaruan to ngaben, rites of passage of Balinese

Dozens of young Balinese artists started playing the "Ketug Bumi", a large percussion ensemble, once ...

IMF -WB - Financial Services Authority promotes fintech for MSMEs, sharia finance

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) encourages using financial technology (fintech) as a financial inclusion ...

IMF-WB - Rupiah`s depreciation might be good for investment: IMF

The depreciation of Indonesia`s currency exchange rupiah might be good for investment if it combines with the ...

IMF-WB- Indonesia's inflation forecast at 3.4 percent in 2018

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) has estimated that Indonesia will be able to lower its year-on-year (yoy) annual ...

Rupiah fall limited on central bank intervention

The movement of the rupiah exchange rate of inter-bank transaction in Jakarta on Monday afternoon again weakened by ...

news focus - Iindonesia, New Zealand intensify bilateral cooperation

The diplomatic relations between New Zealand and Indonesia were made formal in 1958. After 60 years, bilateral ...

Indonesia to offer tourism investment projects during IMF-WB Annual Meetings

The Indonesian government has pinned high hopes on the upcoming annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund ...