
Collection of mps news, found 73 news.

DPR RI committee proposes splitting Papua into five provinces

The House of Representatives (DPR RI) working committee on the harmonization of Papua Province Bill has proposed ...

KSP's task force to expedite passage of Domestic Worker Bill

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) announced that it will initiate the formation of a task force for the Domestic ...

IPU Meeting in Bali momentum for Indonesia to solve world crises: MP

The upcoming meeting of Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Bali is a momentum for Indonesia to contribute to solving ...

Praise women's position in family, community: ministry

The Religious Affairs Ministry has called on all sections of the public in Indonesia to appreciate and praise ...

MPR deputy speaker optimistic of MPs completing bills in 2022

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR RI) deputy speaker Lestari Moerdijat expressed hope that 2022 would bring new ...

Community organization rejects arrival of beer containers in Manokwari

The Parliament of the Streets (Parjal), a community-based movement against liquor, has rejected the arrival of five ...

Syamsuddin resigns after being named bribery suspect

Golkar Party confirmed that party member Azis Syamsuddin had tendered his resignation, as the House of Representatives ...

Indonesian Navy reiterates urgency of continental shelf bill

Indonesian Navy's Chief of Staff Admiral Yudo Margono presented the Navy’s official views on the proposed ...

Defer constitutional amendment as it is not priority: legislator

House of Representatives' (DPR RI's) Commission II member Guspardi Gaus believes that the proposed amendment to ...

Constitutional amendment will not modify other articles: MPR Speaker

A proposed limited amendment to the 1945 State Constitution will not open a Pandora's box by encroaching on other ...

Minister appreciates Gotong Royong vaccination program in Mojokerto

Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, has appreciated PT Ittihad Rahmat Utama for supporting the government's ...

Sexual violence bill can offer hope to victims of abuse

For GH, a sexual violence survivor, the trauma of further harassment after reporting the assault has been unimaginably ...

Parliament restricts attendance at meetings to curb COVID spread

Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR) has capped the physical attendance of members at meetings at 20 ...

Regional lawmakers urge Myanmar military to adopt 3-pronged approach

Lawmakers throughout Southeast Asia on Tuesday called upon the Myanmar military to promptly stop their campaign of ...

Indonesia presses for inter-party dialogue to resolve Myanmar conflict

The Indonesian government urged parties involved in the recent political situation in Myanmar, following a military ...