
Collection of muslims news, found 1.915 news.

BI pushes RI's halal products to drive global market penetration

Bank Indonesia (BI) has encouraged Indonesia to take on a larger role as a halal industry producer by not only catering ...

World Zakat Forum 2019 agrees on several resolutions

The international conference of the World Zakat Forum (WZF) 2019 held in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung ...

28 countries to participate in World Zakat Forum in Bandung

Some 300 zakat (alms) managers from 28 nations will attend an international conference of the World Zakat Forum (WZF) ...

Jokowi urged to rebuild properties in Jayapura, Wamena

Jayapura Chapter KH Kahar Yelipele has appealed to President Joko Widodo to rebuild houses and kiosks that rioters set ...

NU-Jayapura chapter declines calls for jihad in Papua

The Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Jayapura, Papua’s capital city, expressed rejection to calls for jihad or fighting in ...

Paulus Waterpauw affirms no jihadists in Papua following Wamena riot

Papua Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw made assurance of no jihadist having arrived in Papua Province in ...

International Corner

Ambassador of Pakistan says Kashmir is not a bilateral matter

The Ambassador of Pakistan in Indonesia, Abdul Salik Khan, emphasized that the issue of Jammu and Kashmir is not a ...

Discovering Jakarta

Tracking down the hidden Portuguese pearl in north Jakarta

Indonesia, particularly its eastern part, is well-known for its rich spices that are highly priced, even surpassing the ...

212 alumni organize "Mujahid 212 Save NKRI" rally in Jakarta

Several alumni of the 212 rally staged another rally called the "Mujahid 212 Save NKRI (Unitary State of the ...

Marsudi calls to end hatred against Islam at OIC meeting

Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, chairperson of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) ...

Xanana Gusmao visits BJ Habibie's grave to pay his last respect

Timor Leste 's first president and founding father Kay Rana Xanana Gusmao along with East Timorese students ...

Hundreds of Muslims in Gaza perform prayers for late BJ Habibie

Several hundred Muslims in Gaza, Palestine, performed prayers for late BJ Habibie, Indonesia's third ...

Iraqi refugees again rally before UNHCR Jakarta office

Iraqi refugees again demonstrated before the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Jakarta office, ...

Palestine urges Israel to return 51 martyrs

Palestine has urged Israel to return the bodies of 51 Palestinian martyrs who they have been holding in a freezer since ...

ASEAN hajj consuls concur on forming ASEAN Hajj Forum

Hajj consuls from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states have reached a common agreement to ...