#national counterterrorism agency bnpt

Collection of national counterterrorism agency bnpt news, found 81 news.

Indonesia yet undecided on repatriating ex-foreign ISIS fighters

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) hinted at uncertainty over repatriation of some 600 ex-members of the legion of foreign ...

Universities susceptible to being exposed to radicalism: Alius

Commissioner General Suhardi Alius, head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), believes that universities are ...

BNPT urges young preachers to disseminate message of peace

Commissioner General Suhardi Alius, head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), has appealed to young ...

Ma'ruf Amin chairs limited meeting on handling radicalism

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin chaired a limited meeting, here, Wednesday, on the handling of radicalism wherein the ...

Ministry of Finance insures 1,360 buildings worth Rp10.8 trillion

The Ministry of Finance insured 1,360 buildings, with asset value of Rp10.8 trillion, in 2019, by a consortium called ...

Suicide bombing shows terrorism not completely finished: Lawmaker

The suicide bombing on Wednesday at the Medan Police headquarters in Medan, North Sumatra, has proved that terrorism ...

Radicalism not indicated by choice of clothing: BNPT

Deputy for Prevention, Protection and Deradicalization of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Maj. Gen. TNI ...

Indonesia and Morocco share views on fight against terrorism

The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) of the Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry of Home Affairs of the ...

Indonesia adopts wait-and-watch stance after Baghdadi's death

Indonesia is keeping a close watch on the situation in Syria as it develops after the death of ISIS armed group leader ...

BNPT, NCTV co-organize workshop on managing FTF and returnees

Indonesia's National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) and its Dutch counterpart, Nationaal Coödinator ...

Indonesia remains resolute in upholding rule of law in UN

Indonesia has remained consistent in its stance to uphold the rule of law to combat crime, mirrored by its dedication ...

News Focus

Indonesia's soft approach to counter terrorism threats

It is obvious that terrorism continues to remain a serious threat to Indonesia. This was reaffirmed by the recent news ...

Indonesia's BNPT head pays visit to Ali Fauzi, Umar Patek

National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Head Commissioner General Suhardi Alius and his colleagues visited a former ...

Indonesia`s counterterrorism agency cannot work alone: Wiranto

Indonesia remains under the real threats of terrorism, and the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) cannot work ...

Special approaches needed to handle terrorism in border areas

Counter-terrorism in Indonesian border areas need special approaches, a National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) ...