#national counterterrorism agency bnpt

Collection of national counterterrorism agency bnpt news, found 81 news.

Indonesia's govt lifts blocks on 12 Islamic websites

The Indonesia's government has lifted restrictions on 12 out of 19 Islamic websites that were blocked recently for ...

Indonesian govt blocks Islamic websites to prevent spread of radicalism: VP Kalla

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla said here on Monday that he had ordered Indonesian Minister of Informatics and ...

Goverment should not issue regulation to fight ISIS: expert

International law expert with the University of Indonesia Hikmahanto Juwana said the government should not issue a ...

ISIS recruits followers from members` closest families: Counterterrorism Agency

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) recruits followers from the closest families or relatives of existing ...

Govt preparing blueprint for improved de-radicalisation programmes

On Tuesday, thousands of US citizens commemorated the 11th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks that killed ...

Aceh sets up counter terrorism unit

The Aceh province has become a strategic hideout for a terrorist group, Governor Zaini Abdullah said in a statement on ...