#national park

Collection of national park news, found 803 news.

Unique wild cats found in Riau forests

Five unique species of cats had been discovered in Indonesian Riau`s forests after a recent research by the World ...

Indonesia hails provisional inclusion of komodo in new7wonders

After high-profile efforts to mobilize the Indonesian people`s support and despite a controversy over its ...

Komodo among provisional new7wonders of nature

The New7Wonders Foundation announced the first count of vote results of the provisional New7Wonders of Nature, which ...

Jusuf Kalla urges action to save komodo in surabaya zoo

Jusuf Kalla, in his capacity as Komodo ambassador, has urged the Surabaya administration authorities to act ...

Campaign on komodo unites Indonesian people

The komodo dragon, the world`s last remaining prehistoric giant lizard, is to be found only in Komodo National Park, ...

E. Nusa Tenggara to attract foreign tourists through Sail Komodo

East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Governor Frans Lebu Raya said a Sail Komodo event will be organized in 2013 to draw foreign ...

Governor to lead voting for Komodo in new7wonders competition

East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Governor Frans Lebu Raya will lead the voting for Komodo to support its nomination as one of ...

President to make 5-day working visit in France

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to leave for France on Monday (Oct 31) for a five-day working visit. ...

Number of tourists visiting Komodo Island up

The number of foreign tourists visiting Komodo National Park has increased since Komodo became a finalist in the ...

E. Nusa Tenggara to hold Komodo Festival


President calls on Indonesians to vote for Komodo

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called on the Indonesian people to vote for Komodo in its race to be included ...

Jambi expert team to develop Berhala Island

Following a struggle by Jambi province to regain the disputed Berhala island, the local government is now planning to ...

news focus: Sumatran tigers need to be protected

It`s tragic that amid a "Save Tigers` Home" tour in Sumatra by an NGO, a Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) was ...

Agency facilitates numerous deer breeding centers in NTB

The Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has facilitated the setting up of ...

Komodo Island promotion activities being intensified

The tourism and culture ministry has decided to withdraw the candidacy of Komodo for inclusion in the New Seven ...