#navy chief of staff

Collection of navy chief of staff news, found 153 news.

Navy chief led ocean service day anniversary

Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Soeparno led a Hari Dharma Samudera (Ocean Services Day) anniversary on board the ...

Govt to build 24 fast missile-armed ships until 2024

The government has set itself the target of building 24 fast ships equipped with guided missiles over the next 12 ...

Many sea border problems still unresolved : navy chief

Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Soeparno said Indonesia still had many unresolved sea border problems with other ...

President chairs limited meeting on main weaponry system

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono chaired a limited meeting to discuss the procurement of main weaponry system ...

RI scouts should help guard border areas : navy chief

Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Soeparno said Indonesian scouts movement members together with the community should ...

Minimum main power of navy realized in 2014

Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Suparno said that the building of the navy`s minimum main power may be reached ...

RI Navy arranging joint submarine exercises with three countries

The Indonesian Navy is in the process of arranging the holding of bilateral joint submarine exercises with three ...

President Yudhoyono has lunch with military academy cadets

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had lunch with Military Academy cadets in Magelang, Central Java, on Wednesday. ...

Tedjo Edhy replaces Sultan HB X

Former navy chief of staff retired admiral Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno replaced Sultan Hamengku Buwono (HB) X as the ...

Dewaruci starts goodwill mission to Asia

Indonesia`s tall mast naval training ship KRI Dewaruci has started a tour of Asia on Tuesday morning. It left the ...

U.S. navy expands partnership with Indonesian navy

The U.S. Navy will continue to expand its strong and growing friendship with the Indonesian Navy, U.S. 7th Fleet ...

Indonesia, US marine corps agree to enhance cooperation

The Indonesian and US marine corps have agreed to enhance cooperation, particularly in education and training.Navy ...

RI-US naval exercises to include submarines, minesweepers

Indonesia and the US have agreed to intensify their cooperation in naval training exercises by also conducting ...

RI-Singapore DCA should be studied carefully :navy chief

Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Soeparno said the Defense Cooperation Agreement or DCA between Indonesia and ...

Indonesian navy asks US counterpart to step up CARAT exercises

The Indonesian Navy has asked its US counterpart to step up their joint exercises according to the pattern and future ...