#north korea

Collection of north korea news, found 452 news.

US deploys destroyer off tense Korean peninsula

The United States has placed a destroyer off the South Korean coast to defend against a possible missile strike, the ...

Rupiah flat at 9,712 to US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah stayed at 9,712 to the US dollar in inter-bank transaction on Monday morning. "The ...

US B-2 stealth bomber conducts first firing drill in Korea

The United States air force`s nuclear-capable B-2 stealth bombers carried out its first-ever firing drill over the ...

Indonesia asks all parties to exercise restraint over North Korea

Indonesia has asked all parties to exercise restraint in connection with North Korea`s recent provocative acts, ...

US flies B-52 bombers over South Korea

The United States said it was flying training missions of nuclear-capable B-52 bombers over South Korea, in a clear ...

Washington says North Korean threats regrettable

The United States expressed regret on Friday that North Korea had opted for a belligerent response to a new set of UN ...

Again China ships in disputed waters

Chinese government ships were in waters around disputed East China Sea islands Monday, Japan's coastguard said, as a ...

Power of North Korean nuclear test over 7 kilotons

Russia's Defence Ministry said the power of North Korea's nuclear test blast on Tuesday surpassed seven kilotons, a ...

North Korea confirms 'miniaturised nuclear test

North Korea confirmed Tuesday it had successfully carried out an underground nuclear test of a new, "miniaturised" ...

North Korea quake was "suspected explosion"

An earth tremor measured in North Korea on Tuesday morning was a "suspected explosion", China's Earthquake ...

South Korea implemented UN sanctions on North Korea

South Korea on Thursday confirmed it would implement the latest UN sanctions imposed on North Korea, despite dire ...

China media urge "heavy price" for North Korea nuclear test

China should exact a heavy price" from North Korea if it carries out a planned nuclear test, state-run media said on ...

Nuclear test is people's demand says North Korea

North Korea Saturday renewed its threat to carry out a third nuclear test in the latest in a series of bellicose ...

North Korea faces China aid cut over atomic test

North Korea's sole major ally China will decrease aid to Pyongyang if it goes ahead with a planned nuclear test, ...

US, China agree on N. Korea sanctions deal

The United States and China have made a deal under which the UN Security Council will expand existing sanctions ...