#not enough

Collection of not enough news, found 2.476 news.

Striving to preserve wayang kulit puppet-making in Cirebon

Sawiyah’s love for wayang kulit (traditional shadow puppetry) is evident from the fact that he has been making ...

Optimizing PeduliLindungi application for COVID-19 tracing

Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has developed and launched technology to support the tracing of ...

Officials should not be oversensitive to public criticism: Speaker

Government officials must not be oversensitive to public criticism that is essential in the nation-building process, ...

Economy must grow 6% annually to achieve 2045 vision: ministry

The domestic economy needs to grow six percent annually for Indonesia to achieve its 2045 vision of becoming a ...

President Jokowi acknowledges inadequate pension for retirees

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) acknowledged that the pension money for retired personnel of the National Defense Force, ...

APEC region's growth to slow down amid uncertainties, crisis: Report

Economic growth in the APEC region is expected to slow down this year amid soaring inflation, a protracted war in ...

BI records US$2.1-billion foreign capital outflow as of July 29

Bank Indonesia (BI) recorded that the net outflow of foreign capital from the Indonesian financial market amounted to ...

Villages have strategic role in achieving national food resilience

Villages have a strategic role to realize food resilience in the country,  according to Villages, Development of ...

News Feature

Miduana villagers' recipe for longevity: Living in harmony with nature

Hidden in the lush forest of Naringgul Sub-district, Cianjur, West Java, residents of Miduana customary village ...

Jakarta govt to evaluate JIS facilities following guardrail collapse

The Jakarta provincial authorities will evaluate the facilities at Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) following the ...

Young women should take blood supplements to avoid stunting: Minister

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin reminded Indonesian young women to start regularly consuming blood supplements in ...

Central Java ramps up booster vaccinations via schools

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has said that the provincial government is working to push up the COVID-19 booster ...

Migrate legally for work, come back with cash

The COVID-19 pandemic has had some serious impacts on all countries, with many restrictive policies put in place to ...

National Children's Day reminder to heed child's development: LPAI

The National Children's Day (HAN), commemorated every July 23, offers a reminder for parents to pay attention to ...


A distant peace: Obstacles to current peace negotiations in Ukraine

President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi’s) recent peace mission to Kyiv and Moscow to encourage the cessation of ...