
Collection of nurses news, found 443 news.

COVID-19 claims life of Lampung fuel truck driver: task force

A fuel truck driver in Bandarlampung, the capital of Lampung Province, died of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) ...

Health workers isolated, Kapuas Hospital's emergency unit closed

The emergency unit (IGD) of Dr. Soemarno Sostroatmodjo Public Hospital in Kuala Kapuas, Kapuas, Central Kalimantan, ...

1,970 Indonesian crew of German cruise ships return home

As many as 1,970 Indonesians working for several cruise ships in Germany have returned to Indonesia over the past few ...

Ministry affirms 808 Indonesian Jamaah Tabligh members stranded abroad

Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry recorded 1,165 members of the Jamaah Tabligh congregation from Indonesia spread ...

COVID-19 task force confirms death of nurse in Surabaya City

A nurse of Dr Soewandhie Public Hospital's stroke unit in Surabaya, the capital of East Java Province, passed away ...

Task Force confirms 30,098 volunteers join to stem COVID-19 spread

Some 30,098 medical and non-medical volunteers have joined the forces to stem the spread of the COVID-19 disease caused ...

News Focus

Indonesia aims for self-reliance in medical devices, products

The novel coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, has infected 17,025 Indonesians so far, with the number of dead reaching ...

Weekend Stories

Coronavirus taking a mental toll on medical workers

The United Nations (UN) has recently warned the coronavirus pandemic could cause a global mental health crisis. A ...

Amazon original series Regular Heroes to premiere May 8 highlighting courageous stories from the front-lines of COVID-19

- Regular Heroes is an eight-episode docuseries highlighting the contributions and personal sacrifices of just some of ...

News Focus

Indonesia channels spirit of 'gotong royong' in COVID-19 battle

Since it first emerged in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, the coronavirus disease has spread to 211 countries and ...

Govt highlights hospital bed shortage at 1.2 per thousand Indonesians

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has drawn attention to the scarcity of beds at Indonesian hospitals, at only 1.2 per ...

Driven by peers' efforts, nutritionist turns COVID-19 volunteer

Nutritionist Lidya Sembiring channeled her grief positively by turning COVID-19 volunteer at the Athlete's Village ...

University of Indonesia providing counseling amid COVID-19 pandemic

University of Indonesia's Nursing School is running a COVID-19 Crisis Center to provide consultation and counseling ...

Ustadz Abdul Somad distributes over 400 hazmat suits to hospitals

Ustadz Abdul Somad, a popular Muslim preacher with millions of followers across Indonesia, handed over 400 hazmat suits ...

APEC faces output loss of US$2.1 trillion owing to COVID-19

The health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic afflicted over two million people globally, with 40 ...