
Collection of occupation news, found 414 news.

PKS seeks UN, OIC action on Israeli 'brutality' against Palestinians

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) has urged the United ...

Governor Anies wears Batik sash to demonstrate sympathy for Palestine

As a mark of sympathy for the Palestinians' fight against Israeli colonialism, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan wore ...

COVID-19 task force views mudik ban as strategic decision

COVID-19 Handling Task Force Head Doni Monardo viewed the government's policy to ban the Eid al-Fitr homecoming, ...

Kaleidoskop 2020

Year ender 2020 - Indonesia firm on Palestine question

With several Arab nations agreeing to normalize relations with Israel under an agreement that the Trump administration ...

DPR praises government for not opening diplomatic ties with Israel

House Speaker Puan Maharani commended the Indonesian government for sticking to its stance to not open diplomatic ...

Indonesia should not normalize ties with Israel: Ulema Council

Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council, Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, reiterated his request to the Indonesian government to ...

Palestinian issue remains RI's priority as UNSC membership to end

Indonesia will persistently prioritize the issue of Palestine at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) as its ...

Indonesians should remain vociferous in supporting Palestine freedom

Sri Vira Chandra, Adara Relief International chairperson, highlighted the need for Indonesians to vociferously reject ...

News Focus

Youths usher in 75th Independence Day by embracing personal freedom

Free and freedom are the two answers given by most youths in response to the question: what is a word you think about ...

News Focus

Global community's growing chorus against Israel's annexation plan

Israel did not proceed with its planned July-1 annexation of parts of West Bank and Jordan Valley, Palestine, amid ...

Indonesian Parliament rejects Israel's West Bank annexation

House of Representatives' Commission I Deputy Chairman Abdul Kharis Almasyari affirmed that the House's ...


Ukraine marks the anniversary of the adoption of its Constitution

*Volodymyr Pakhil is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Indonesia. The ...

News Focus

Collective action urged against Israel plan to annex West Bank

With the colonial regime in Israel expanding its territories by occupying more Arab lands, the international community ...

News Focus

Flexible work: The new normal after the pandemic ends?

It is evident that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of people's lives across the globe, ...

News Focus

On the importance of lockdown: lessons from plague control in Java

It has been nearly a month since Indonesia recorded its first novel coronavirus infection, but the authorities are yet ...