The African Union has invited representatives of Muammar Gaddafi`s government, the Libyan opposition and others to ...
The western coalition`s air strikes on Libya have been denounced as unacceptable by various parties in Indonesia ...
With the military support of international forces, Libyan opposition is likely to topple Muammar Gaddafi, U.S. ...
Libyan insurgents want a quick ceasefire and a lifting of the siege of Libyan cities by Moamer Kadhafi`s forces, a UN ...
The Indonesian government should call for a halt to the western coalition`s air strikes in Libya as the UN Security ...
Theo L Sambuaga, a Golkar party politician, condemned the Coalition`s air strikes against Libya, considering the ...
A top US commander said Monday US forces were sticking to limited military objectives in Libya and have no mission to ...
The Indonesian government hopes the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 on a no-fly zone ...
Haitian-born rapper Wyclef Jean said Sunday he was grazed by a bullet in the hand on the eve of his country`s historic ...
Yemen`s embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh on Sunday sacked his government in the face of massive protests ...
Ebrahim Yazdi, the 80-year-old head of a banned liberal party who was arrested last October 1, was released from ...
Egypt`s prominent opposition figure Mohammed ElBaradei was attacked Saturday by stones and bricks thrown from crowds ...
Yemenis seethed with anger as medics raised the death toll from a sniper attack on protesters to 52 and thousands ...
Beleaguered Yemen president Ali Abdullah Saleh ordered a state of emergency Friday after regime loyalists killed at ...
Bahraini forces, backed by helicopters, fired tear gas in a crackdown on protesters on Wednesday, clearing ...