
Collection of pandeglang news, found 288 news.

Pakistani sentenced to six years in jail for smuggling people

The district court in Pandeglang, Banten, sentenced a Pakistani national to six years in jail on Tuesday for trying to ...

Floods, landslides hit 11 districts in Indonesia

Floods and landslides have hit 11 districts in Indonesia lately, a spokesman of the National Disaster Mitigation ...

Banten offers investment on fisheries to european countries

The Banten provincial government has offered investment and cooperation in the fishery sector to European ...

Quake jolts Bengkulu

An earthquake measuring 5.0 on the Richter scale jolted Mukomuko district in Bengkulu at 9 am local time on Wednesday, ...

504 houses inundated by flood in Banten Province

Some 504 houses in Pandeglang district, Banten province, have been inundated by floods since Monday night, with ...

Spatial mismanagement triggers floods

Indonesia`s Environmental Affairs Minister, Balthasar Kambuaya, said that floods and landslides in several provinces ...

People encouraged to consume tubers

Various efforts have been made to encourage Indonesian people to consume tubers instead of rice. Tubers have not ...

56 immigrants saved one died after boat capsized

A total of 56 immigrants whose boat capsized in the Panaitan Strait waters in Pandeglang, Banten, in West Java have ...

Pandeglang faces shortage of 3,800 elementary school teachers

Pandeglang, a district town in Banten province, is facing a shortage of about 3,847 elementary school teachers, ...

No reports of damages, casualties in Ujung Kulon earthquake

The Banten Regional Disaster Mitigation Office (BPBD) said there were no immediate reports of damages nor casualties ...

6.0 quake hits Banten province

A 6.0 Richter in scale hits Pandeglang, Banten province, here on Sunday at 02.26 A.M. Information from the ...

Police arrest two more suspects in jewelry shops heists

Jakarta police have arrested two more suspects involved in the robberies of four jewelry shops in Ciputat on February ...

Two rhinos born in Ujung Kulon National Park in 2011

Two Javanese rhinoceroses were born last year at Ujung Kulon National Park (TNUK), Pandeglang District, Banten ...

Minister to inspect Lebak`s suspended bridge in W Java

Minister for Development of Disadvantaged Regions Helmy Faizal Zaini will on Tuesday observe the Ciwaru suspended ...

Floods inundate four sub-districts in Pandeglang

Floods triggered by two days of incessant rain on Saturday inundated four sub-districts in Pandeglang, Banten ...