
Collection of pending news, found 506 news.

Impossible Foods wins injunction in EU trademark infringement case

- A prominent European Union court granted Impossible Foods a preliminary injunction this week, ordering the global ...

Hajj Commission commends decision to not send hajj pilgrims

The National Commission on Hajj and Umrah applauded the government's decision to not send Muslims for the hajj ...

Long Xing's 14 Indonesian crew flown home from South Korea

Some 14 Indonesians, former crew members of the Chinese fishing ship Long Xing 629, were flown from South Korea to ...

Police apprehend Jambi resident illegally trading Sumatran tiger skin

The Jambi Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) and police personnel apprehended Fendi, alias Tendi, alias Seng ...

Govt approves enacting large-scale social distancing measure in Gowa

Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto has approved the implementation of a large-scale social distancing (PSBB) measure ...

Tebo police apprehend eight illegal gold miners in Jambi

The police in Tebo District, Jambi, arrested eight illegal gold miners in Sungai Sri Village, Tebo Ilir Sub-district, ...

ADB, UNICEF committed to assisting Indonesian children combat COVID-19

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) pledged to support inclusive ...

Health Ministry regulations will apply for PSSB: task force

During the implementation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB), the regulations issued by the Ministry of Health, ...

President instructs officials to ensure adequate medical devices

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on government officials to ensure sufficient supply of medical devices, ...

Task Force's approval pending on social distancing in several regions

Chairman of the Task Force for Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling Lt Gen. Doni Monardo highlighted that several ...

107 foreign participants of postponed Global Ijtima return home

As many as 107 foreign participants of postponed Islamic congregation the 2020 Global Ijtima-Asian Zone, in South ...

Government to launch pre-employment card in April

The government has planned to launch the Pre-Employment Card in April, starting from Greater Jakarta (Jakarta, Bogor, ...

Government to verify citizenship status of ex-ISIS combatants

The government plans to verify the citizenship status of former ISIS combatants from Indonesia in response to the ...

Indonesia yet undecided on repatriating ex-foreign ISIS fighters

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) hinted at uncertainty over repatriation of some 600 ex-members of the legion of foreign ...

Indonesian student in Wuhan welcomes govt's planned evacuation

An Indonesian student from South Sulawesi Province currently stranded in Wuhan enthusiastically welcomes the ...