
Collection of plantation news, found 1.815 news.

President calls for stopping illegal logging in Jambi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called on security authorities in Jambi here on Sunday to seriously tackle illegal ...

Forest farmers called to plant prime commodities

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called on recipients of the Social Forestry Decree certificate in Jambi on Sunday to ...

Jokowi meets Pujakesuma community in Riau

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana met members of "Pujakesuma" (ethnic Javanese descents ...

Jambi, Pelindo II sign joint agreement on development of port

The Jambi Provincial Government and PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) signed a joint agreement on the development of ...

Asian Agri to have 10 units of biogas power plants

Asian Agri, an oil palm plantation company, said it will build more biogas power plants (PLTBg) when three units now ...

Roadshow of the 2nd CIIE arrives in Indonesia

-Although the inaugural China International Import Expo (CIIE) is still outgoing from a month ago, its second edition ...

Pure CPO can be used for power plants: analyst

Diesel power plants (PLTDs) of the national power utility company PLN could use pure crude palm oil (CPO) without ...

Indonesia ranked fourth as global coffee producer

Indonesia is currently placed fourth among the world`s biggest coffee producers, with an annual production of 600 ...

year ender - subsidized kur credit to reach rp120 trillion by year-end by andi abdussalam

In an effort to help small businesses obtain cheap financing, in 2007, the government had launched a subsidized micro ...

EU supports Indonesia to realize sustainable palm oil

The European Union (EU) supports Indonesia`s efforts to achieve the target of 100 percent sustainable palm oil by ...

News Feature - Sugar mills revitalized to innovate production by Andi Abdussalam

The government, through State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Ministry, is revitalizing sugar factories belonging to ...

SOE Ministry to accelerate revitalization of sugar mills

State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Ministry is accelerating the revitalization of the country`s sugar mills, particularly ...

Government continues to promote palm oil

The Indonesian government continues to improve the quality of its palm oil products and expand markets to ...

Boycott is not solution to sustainable palm oil

A boycott is not a solution to the issue of sustainable palm oil industry, Secretary of State to the French Minister ...

Sintang district encourages palm oil firms to get ISPO certificates

The Sintang District administration, West Kalimantan Province, has encouraged palm oil plantation firms operated in ...