Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has called on the public to realize that ocean is a legacy ...
This week, Indonesia has been in the spotlight of the mainstream media in the country and abroad after a dead sperm ...
The Indonesian government is discussing ways to reduce plastic waste, including a plan to impose sanctions and ...
The carcass of a 9.5-meter-long sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) washed ashore the Kapota isle, Wakatobi District, ...
Plastic waste has, since decades, undoubtedly become a major problem in Indonesia amid the government`s serious ...
As many as 93 million plastic straws are used by Indonesians per day, a fact concerning the cause of environmental ...
Indonesia used 9.8 billion plastic bags every year, almost 95 percent of it would end up as waste, Environment and ...
West Java`s Bogor city administration has decided to ban the use of plastic bags by shopping centers as from December ...
The Indonesian and Chilean governments have agreed to intensify bilateral cooperation in the maritime field, ...
The Indonesian Naval Base in Dumai has foiled an effort to smuggle around 10,000 baby lobsters in Indragiri Hilir ...
People`s participation in the government`s efforts to tackle waste, especially plastic, is crucial to protect the ...
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) is campaigning for a reduction in the use of plastic bags in ...
The oceans in Indonesia, known for their beauty and abundant wealth, continue to face the deadliest threats to their ...
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti believes that plastic waste had become a threat to Indonesian ...
The Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Ministry said it would use a new product of technology a mixture of plastic ...