#police investigators

Collection of police investigators news, found 459 news.

Police to question Panji Gumilang on Thursday

Police plan to question Panji Gumilang, the chief of the Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School in Indramayu, West Java, at ...

Suspects in police attack still at large

Jakarta police believe the suspects in the attack that killed Second Adjunct Inspector Sugiyantoro early this month ...

Police yet to question alleged NII kingpin

The police still have no plan to summon for questioning Panji Gumilang, the man many people believe is a key figure ...

Another suspect in Citibank debt collection case arrested

South Jakarta police arrested another suspect in the debt collection-related death case of Citibank customer Irzan ...

Police yet to summon blast fishing victim

Sumenep district police investigators have yet to summon the victim of blast fishing in Kandibas hamlet, Guluk-Guluk ...

Whistle blower Susno Duadji thanks national police

Former police chief detective Commissioner General Susno Duadji said here Tuesday he thanked his police corps for ...

Police dispose of another parcel bomb

A local police bomb squad disposed of a parcel believed to contain a bomb here Wednesday at 09.30 AM local time. ...

Jakarta police chief to personally oversee parcel bomb probes

The performance of the police officers investigating the spate of Tuesday`s parcel bombing attempts is to be evaluated ...

Indonesian actress arrested for using drugs

Indonesian actress Iyut Bing Slamet was arrested for allegedly having 0.4 grams of methamphetamine inside West ...

Eight policemen grilled over Cikeusik clash

Police have questioned eight of their personnel in connection with a recent clash between Ahmadiyah sect followers and ...

Susno Duadji Banned From Going Abroad

The Law and Human Rights Ministry`s Immigration Directorate General has issued a travel ban on former police chief ...

Police name Ahmadiyah follower suspect In Cikeusik clash

Police have named an Ahmadiyah sect follower a suspect in a recent clash with residents in Cikeusik subdistrict, ...

Susno Duadji released on early Friday

Former police chief detective Commissioner General Susno Duadji would have been released from the police Mobile ...

Temanggung riot suspects still being grilled

Police are still interrogating 22 suspects in the recent sectarian riot in Temanggung, Central Java. "The 22 ...

TNI Chief denies military behind Padeglang,Temanggung incidents

Indonesian Military Chief Marshall Agus Suhartono has denied allegations that the military had masterminded the two ...