The economic package policy issued by the government on Wednesday should focus not only on investment that benefits ...
The Bible mentions the River Jordan in Amman, as the place where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist thousands of ...
Marine and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti expressed her appreciation for progress made by Dipasena shrimp pond in ...
The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries is drawing a master plan for the development of cultured fish in the ...
The next president who is elected in the upcoming presidential race should continue pro-people programs laid down by ...
Indonesia`s mangrove swamp is the largest in the world, covering some 3.2 million hectares, or 22 percent of the total ...
Iran's three documentaries are slated to be showcased at the 2013 International Festival of Tourist, Ecology, Sports ...
- Hosted by Museum of Contemporary Art in Singapore in association with the Linda Gallery and J.P. Art Centre, "Lu ...
The Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs (KKP) has set itself the target of Rp23.67 trillion investment in the ...
The Indonesian air force`s Superhawk 200 jetfighter crashes in Kampar district, Riau, on Tuesday morning, likely due ...
A military war plane, believed to be a Hawk type, belonging to the Air Force, crashed on Jalan Amal, Pasar Putih, ...
The central government through the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry will make every effort to help increase ...
The Jakarta city administration plans to build a huge dike to overcome flood problem that the city always faces every ...
Monkey Forest management at Padangtegal village, Ubud subdistrict, Gianyar district, Bali, is preparing a ceremony for ...
East Kalimantan province has made an 18-hectare plot of land available for the construction of a mangrove forest ...