The Law and Human Rights Ministry is planning to substitute compulsory community service for prison terms for people ...
A senior Hamas commander returned to the Gaza Strip on Saturday after breaking out of a Cairo jail during the ...
A Pennsylvania woman known as "Jihad Jane" pleaded guilty on Tuesday to plotting to kill a Swedish cartoonist, ...
Rached Ghannouchi, the leader of Tunisia`s Islamist movement Ennahda, boarded a plane Sunday to return home from ...
Thirty-four members of the opposition Muslim Brotherhood, including seven members of the leadership, walked out of ...
Thousands of prisoners escaped from the Wadi Natrun facility, north of Cairo, a security official said on Sunday, as ...
North Korea blasted South Korea Saturday for punishing a pro-unification pastor who illegally traveled to the ...
People convicted for corruption will eventually be made to serve their sentences in one jail, namely the Cipinang ...
The Australian government by way of its embassy in Jakarta offered an exchange of prison inmates with the Indonesian ...
Saudi Arabia suppresses or fails to protect the rights of millions of women, foreign workers and Shiites, and reforms ...
Police were not afraid to name prosecutor Cirus Sinaga a suspect in a case of falsification of the text of a ...
Tax evasion and corruption defendant Gayus Tambunan was sentenced to seven years imprisonment by a panel of judges at ...
As the initiator of the inter-religious leaders` meeting, Muhammadiyah leader Din Syamsuddin said he was disappointed ...
Indonesia is still considering the possibility of proposals for the conclusion of prisoner exhange accords with a few ...
A dozen suspected members of Al-Qaeda`s front group in Iraq escaped from a prison in the south of the country on ...