#prophet muhammad

Collection of prophet muhammad news, found 253 news.

Agus Yudhoyono-Sylviana pair registers with Jakarta General Election Commission

Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and Sylviana Murni, candidates for the post of governor and deputy governor, respectively, ...

Indonesia hopes Turkey united

The relationship between Indonesia and Turkey was established back when the largest archipelago country in the world ...

Indonesia, Syria replant friendship forest

The Indonesian Embassy in Damascus, Syria, replanted the Indonesia-Syria Friendship Forest in Dimas city, Damascus ...

Indonesia to establish international university of Islam

Indonesia, based on the Presidential Regulation No. 57 of the year 2016, will establish an international university of ...

West Nusa Tenggara poised for national Quran recital competition

The Indonesian province of West Nusa Tenggara is gearing up for the 26th National Quran Recital Competition, better ...

ISIS bringing Middle East conflict to Indonesia : PBNU

Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) KH Said Agil Siradj said that ISIS main mission at the moment is to ...

Al madinah`s red white domed mosque is center of excellence

A green-domed mosque is common. So is a yellow-domed mosque. Theres a blue-domed mosque (Blue Mosque) in Istanbul, ...

Isra Mi`raj commemoration takes place at State Palace

The commemoration of Isra Mikraj of Prophet Muhammad SAW (Peace be upon him) 1437 Hegira, with the theme of ...

Indonesian Christians, Muslims look forward to visiting Jerusalem

Every Christian and Muslim in Indonesia aspires to visit Jerusalem, where Jesus (Prophet Isa in Islam) was born and ...

"Mercy and Justice" international short film festival opens

- Istanbul's Cekmekoy Municipality has launched a mercy and justice-themed international short film contest. Its ...

Indonesian ulema talks on Madinah Charter in Malaysia

An Indonesian ulema, KH Hasyim Muzadi, will be talking about the contents of the Charter of Madinah at a forum ...

Indonesia govt to improve image of the Prophet in education

Religious affairs minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin has said he will improve the image of Prophet Muhammad in Islamic ...

New Year`s eve celebrations held peacefully

The New Years eve celebrations have gone peacefully across Indonesia with no untoward security incidents. "It ...

Indonesians demonstrate religious tolerance on Christmas

Since Christmas Eve on Thursday (Dec. 23) night, Indonesian Christians have performed services and various religious ...

Taking good lessons from Prophet Muhammad

Although Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) had left the Islamic adherents in particular and mankind in general ...