#public communication

Collection of public communication news, found 256 news.

Indonesia must be prompt in tracking communication dynamics: ministry

The development and execution of Indonesia's national public communication system must be more swift in keeping ...

Hoaxes can hinder Indonesia's pandemic handling: ministry

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) has said that the spread of hoaxes in the community can hamper ...

Kominfo seeks to boost public trust in government

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) has said it is seeking to further boost the public's trust ...

Kansong new Director General of Communication, Informatics Ministry

Minister of Communication and Informatics Johnny G. Plate officially inaugurated Usman Kansong as Director General of ...

Kominfo vouches for social aid distribution through digital app

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) expressed support to the distribution of social aid through the ...

DPR urges govt to make breakthroughs in COVID-19 patient handling

House of Representatives (DPR) speaker Puan Maharani has sought governmental breakthroughs in handling patients exposed ...

VP assures development in Papua, W Papua will run smoothly

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin has assured that efforts to accelerate development programs in the provinces of Papua ...

Nemangkawi task force should convince Papuans: Police Chief Prabowo

Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo has instructed the Nemangkawi Task Force personnel to strive to convince Papuan ...

Indonesia seeks to host ASEAN creative economy forum

Indonesia is seeking to host the ASEAN creative economy business forum, which will focus on improving the digital ...

Jokowi: Need plan for building public support on COVID-19 immunization

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has emphasized the importance of implementing a “well-prepared” public ...

Discipline paramount to break COVID-19 transmission chain: task force

COVID-19 Task Force Chief Lt Gen. Doni Monardo emphasized that discipline in following health protocols is the key to ...

President expects snatching of bodies of COVID-19 patients to stop

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expects no future incidents of dead bodies of COVID-19 patients being forcefully taken ...

NU empowers community to make masks

The country’s largest Muslim organization, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), has been working with the wider community to ...

Ministry appeals to public to spread positive messages about COVID-19

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics has appealed to the Indonesian public to continue spreading positive ...

Journalists in North Maluku subject to COVID-19 rapid test

The North Maluku Provincial COVID-19 Task Force has conducted a rapid test on journalists covering COVID-19 related ...