#public works ministry

Collection of public works ministry news, found 180 news.

Bakrie group eying two infrastructure projects in East Java

The Bakrie Group, through PT Bakrieland Development, is eying two infrastructure projects in East Java as part of its ...

Gerindra consistently rejects new house tower project

Despite official efforts to downsize the House of Representatives (DPR) new tower project, the Gerindra Party faction ...

Japan to help put Jakarta city in order

Japan has committed itself to helping Jakarta city put its infrastructure and traffic in order through a Metropolitan ...

Minister kicks off W Sulawesi development planning congress

Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad officially kicked off a congress on the Sulawesi Regional ...

Jakarta infrastructure master plan ready next week

The government will draft a Jakarta infrastructure master plan and implement the projects immediately. "As ...

Regional governments should ban shallow groundwater use

Regional governments should have the gut to ban the usage of shallow groundwater use by industries in areas that have ...

Govt to form fund to anticipate food, energy price hikes

The government plans to set up an emergency fund to anticipate fluctuations in the global price of food and energy, ...

Preparations started for sail Wakatobi-Belitung 2011

The Wakatobi district government and local people have started various preparations for the region to host Sail ...

RI already adopts quake-resistant building technology

Indonesia has adopted a variety of technologies to build quake-resistant houses in the country`s quake-prone areas, ...

Govt needs Rp 10 trillion investment in drinking water

The government is preparing two million house connections of drinking water with an investment of Rp10 trillion in ...

Building of Soekarno bridge continues

The government stepped up the building of the Soekarno bridge in Manado, the completion of which had slowed down in ...

Merapi cold lava again smashes villages

Cold lava streaming down Mount Merapi slopes through a steam on Saturday night smashed and engulfed houses up to more ...

Environment minister opens Sumatra ecoregion meeting

Environment Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta here on Monday opened a coordination meeting of Sumatra eco-region as part ...

S Korea provides 100 million US dollars for Karian reservoir project

The South Korean government through KOICA (Korean International Cooperation Agency) is providing at least 100 million ...

Bali building seaport for large cruise ships

Bali province is building a new sea port for large cruise ships slated to be ready for operation by the end of this ...